What do you havе to do

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урок 1

Глагол have to

Глагол have to употребляется, когда речь идет о необходимости совершения действия в силу определенных обстоятельств.
School starts at eight o'clock. I have to get up early. — Занятия в школе начинаются в 8 часов. Мне приходится вставать рано. (От меня это не зависит.)
Не will have to walk his friend's dog. — Ему придется выгуливать собаку своего друга.

Утвердительное предложение

I have to get up early. — Мне приходится вставать рано.
I'll have to get up early tomorrow. — Мне придется встать рано завтра.

Отрицательное предложение

Для образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений с have to используются вспомогательные глаголы.
My granny doesn't have to get up early.— Моей бабушке не надо рано вставать.
My granny won't have to get up early tomorrow. — Моей бабушке не придется рано вставать завтра.

Общий вопрос

Do you have to get up early? — Тебе приходится рано вставать?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't. — Да. / Нет.
Will you have to get up early tomorrow? — Тебе придется рано вставать завтра?
Yes, I will. / No, I won't.

Специальный вопрос

Why do you have to get up early? — Почему тебе приходится рано вставать? — I have to get up early, because school starts at eight o'clock. — Мне приходится вставать рано, потому что занятия в школе начинаются в 8 часов.

Why will you hare to get up early tomorrow? — Почему тебе придется рано встать завтра? — Ш have to get up early tomorrow, because school will start at seven o'clock. — Мне придется рано встать завтра, потому что занятия в школе начнутся в 7 часов.

Вопрос к подлежащему

Who has to get up early? —- Кому приходится рано вставать? I do. — Мне.
Who'll have to get up early tomorrow? — Кому придется рано встать завтра?
I will. — Мне.

1    Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.    I have to come home at five o'clock.
2.    My mother has to clean the floor every day.
3.    Will you have to buy a new jacket?
4.    Will you have to go to school tomorrow?
5.    What do you have to do in the morning?
6.    My sister will have to go to school by bus, because she's going to be late.
7.    Who has to answer these questions?

2    Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to.

1.    I ... learn English every day. I have problems with it.
2.    My friends ... write a test. They are getting ready for it.
3.    Alice ... phone her granny. She is ill.
4.    He ... buy tickets for the bus.
5.    They ... go by train every day. They live in the village and work in the city.
6.    We ... speak French to our guest from France. He doesn't understand Russian.

3    Listen to the conversation and answer the question: Why does Alice feel tired?

4    Read the conversation and answer the questions:

1.    Why is Alice in England?
2.    What does Alice have to do every day?

On the train

Misha: Well, Alice now you see it's going to be OK. Soon you'll be in Tunbridge Wells with your friends.
Alice: Oh, thank you very much.
Robin: And now tell us about yourself, Alice. What are you doing in England?
Alice: I'm learning English here. Our family life is soon going to change. We are going to move to America. My father is going to work there. So this year I have to learn English every day. I have to get up very early. Then I have to go to my English teacher for an extra lesson. It's a long way, so I have to go there by bus. After that I have to go to school. After school I have to read books in English and then I have to do homework.
Misha: Really? But can't you relax and watch TV?
Alice: I can watch TV but I have to do it in English. Father says I have to use every minute for work, but sometimes I feel really tired.
Robin: Oh, I understand.

5    What do you think about Alice's next year? Answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the text.

Model: Will Alice have to move to America next year? — Yes, she will. Next year she will have to move to America with her family.

1.    What language will Alice have to speak?
2.    Will Alice have to go to an English teacher for an extra lesson?
3.    Will Alice have to go to school?
4.    Will Alice have to travel by bus every day?
5.    Will Alice have to learn American history?
6.    Will Alice have to watch TV in English?
7.    Will Alice have to get up very early?
8.    Will next year be easier for Alice?

6    Open the brackets. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1.    I (have to) get up at eight o'clock next Monday.
2.    We (not have to) go to school every day.
3.    You (have to) clean your room next Saturday.
4.    I (have to) phone my friend later.
5.    My mother (have to) work on Sundays.
6.    He (have to) go soon.
7.    They (have to) phone us tomorrow. We are going to visit them.

7    p In pairs. Look at your partner and guess: Does he / she have to do these
things every day?

a) Tell your partner about your guesses.

Model: walk the dog in the morning — I think you have to walk the dog in the morning. /1 don't think you have to walk the dog in the morning. You don't have a dog.

b)    Ask your partner the questions and check your answers.

Model: Do you have to walk the dog in the morning? — Yes, I do. / No, I don*t

1. work                                   7. play with a little brother or a sister
2.    learn English                         8. help mother
3.    do homework                           9. go to school
4.    learn history                        10. play the piano
5.    wash clothes                        11. go to school by train
6.    cook dinner                          12. take a bath

c)    Tell the class about your partner.

A Translate the sentences into English.

1.    Завтра мне придется пойти в магазин.
2.    Тебе часто приходится мыть пол?
3.    Им не нужно ехать на поезде. Они могут поехать на автобусе.
4.    Вам не нужно открывать дверь. Я сделаю это.
5.    Когда ему придется вставать? — В семь утра.
6.    Что ей придется сделать? — Ей придется приготовить завтрак.

В Ask questions about the underlined information.
1.    I don't have to phone Kate, because she is going to come here tomorrow.
2.    He doesn't have to do his homework today.
3.    Mv mother has to go to work by bus.
4.    You'll have to wait for me near the bus stop.
5.    I'll have to be ready at ten o'clock.
6.    You will have to answer your teacher's questions.
7.    I don't have to get up at seven o'clock.

С Answer the following questions in writing. What don't you have to do now, but will have to do in ten years from now?
What do you have to do now that you won't have to do in ten years from now?

Model: I don 't have to work on the computer now, but I will have to in ten years.

work, drive а саг, walk the dog, go to school, learn English, learn French, get up early, travel to new places, live with your mother and father, write tests, help mother clean the floor, cook, do sport

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

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