Is thеrе anybоdy in thе room

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Местоимения something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody anybody somewhere, anywhere, nowhere

Эти местоимения образованы от уже знакомых вам местоимений some, no, any и подчиняются тем же грамматическим правилам.

Утвердительное предложение

somebody — кто-то
something — что-то
somewhere — где-то

Вопросительное предложение

anybody — кто-нибудь
anything — что-нибудь
anywhere — где-нибудь

Отрицательное предложение

nobody — никто
nothing — ничего
nowhere — нигде
С местоимениями something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody глаголы употребляются в 3-м лице единственного числа.

There is somebody in the room. — В комнате кто-то есть.
There is something on the table. — На столе что-то есть.
Is there anybody in the room?— В комнате кто-то есть?
Is thеre аnуthing  on  thе  tаble?— На столе что-то есть?
Thеre  is nobodу  in thе  room.—  В комнате никого нет.
Thеrе  is nothing  on  thе  tаblе.— На столе ничего нет.

При наличии в предложении местоимений nothing, nobody, nowhere дополнительных отрицаний не требуется.

Nobody knows him. — Никто его не знает.
She has nothing in her bag. — У нее в сумке ничего нет.
I cant find him. Не is nowhere. — Я не могу его найти. Его нигде нет.

1 Choose the correct variant and open the brackets.

Model:I know (somebody /something) from Spain.— I know somebody from Spain.

1.    There is (somebody / something) in my hand.
2.    I'm reading (somebody / something) about Picasso. 
3.    The policeman is looking for (somebody / something) on a red bicycle.
4.    She wants to buy (somebody / something) for her friend.
5.    I don't believe (somebody / something) in this newspaper.
6.    I don't know (somebody / something) here.
7.    I don't think (anybody / anything) is going to visit us this Monday.

2    Give negative answers to these questions. Use nobody /nothing /nowhere. Model: What is he doing? — Nothing.

1.    Who's at home?
2.    What do you want to eat?
3.    Who's going to cook breakfast?
4.    What do you want to say?
5.    Where are you going?
6.    Who's looking for you?
7.    What's in your bag?

3    Open the brackets and complete the sentences.

1.    (Nobody / Not anybody) lives here.
2.    We don't want to buy (anything / nothing) in this shop.
3.    I don't understand (anything / nothing) in German.
4.    This book costs (not anything / nothing).
5.    What do you need? (nothing / not anything).
6.    She doesn't speak to (anybody / nobody).

4    Change the sentences. Use nobody / nothing / nowhere.

Model:You won't have to do anything. — You will have to do nothing.

1.    There isn't anywhere for me to sit.
2.    I don't think anybody knows the secret.
3.    There isn't anything in this book that is easy to understand.
4.    She doesn't know anything about babies.
5.    She won't say anything about it.
6.    There isn't anybody in the room.
7.    The dog won't go anywhere without Billy.

5    Look around your class. Do you agree with these statements? Correct the false statements.

1.    Nobody is listening to the teacher.
2.    Nobody is sleeping.
3.    Nobody is writing.
4.    There is nothing on the tables.
5.    Nobody is teaching you.
6.    Your best friend knows nothing.
7.    There isn't anybody next to you.

6 Answer the questions about yourself. Give full answers.

Model:Do you know anything about the Beatles? What do you know? —
           Yes, I know something about the Beatles.
           It's a popular British group. They come from Liverpool.

1.    Do you know anybody from England? Who is it?
2.    Do you want to go anywhere in Africa? Where do you want to go?
3.    Do you know anything about Mstislav Rostropovich? What do you know about him?
4.    Are you going anywhere this summer? Where are you going?
5.    Ts there anybody in your room at home now? Who is it?
6.    Is there anything in your hand? What is it?
7.    Is there anything new in your life? What is it?
8.    Do you live anywhere near your school?


A Change the sentences. Use somebody / nobody / anybody.

Model: Some people don't like milk. — Somebody doesn't like milk.

1.    A man is knocking on the door.
2.    No students are going to come here tomorrow.
3.    Does one of the people here want to speak to me?
4.    There is a person in the kitchen.
5.    Are there any people in the car?
6.    He doesn't know any boys or girls in his new class.

В Fill in the gaps. Use somebody; anybody, anywhere, nothing, anything, somewhere.

1.    Where does he live? — I think he lives ... near the supermarket.
2.    It's dark. I can't see ....
3.    Do we have ... in the fridge? — Yes, a few things.
4.    Do you know ... from America?
5.    Do you know... about Shakespeare?
6.    Don't ask her. She knows ... about it.
7.    Sssh! I can't hear ....
8.    ... is coming! — Who is it?
9.    Do you see my keys ...? — No, I can't find them.

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

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