What сould you do tеn yеars ago

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Глагол can в Past Simple

В Past Simple глагол сап имеет форму could, которая употребляется во всех лицах единственного и множественного числа.
Could употребляется в Past Simple для выражения способности что- либо делать в прошлом.
В утвердительных предложениях порядок слов следующий:

Подлежащее + could + второстепенные члены предложения.

I could do this exercise two months ago, but I can't do it now. — Я мог сделать это упражнение два месяца назад, но я не могу его сделать сейчас.
My grandfather could play football ten years ago. — Мой дедушка мог играть в футбол 10 лет назад.

В отрицательных предложениях порядок слов следующий:

Подлежащее + could not + второстепенные члены предложения.

His grandfather couldn't play football ten years ago. — Его дедушка не мог играть ь футбол 10 лет назад.
Сокращенная форма от could not - couldn't

В общем вопросе порядок слов следующий:

Could + подлежащее + второстепенные члены предложения + ?

Could he speak English last year? — Он мог говорить по-английски в прошлом году? — Yes, he could. / No, he couldn't.

В специальном вопросе порядок слов следующий:

Вопросительное слово + could + подлежащее + второстепенные
члены предложения + ?

What could he do ten years ago? — Что он умел делать десять лет назад? — Не could swim. — Он умел плавать.

В вопросе к подлежащему порядок слов следующий:

Who + could + второстепенные члены предложения + ?

Who could speak English last year? — Кто мог говорить по-английски в прошлом году? — Mike could. — Майк.

Разделительный вопрос

Mike could speak English last year, couldn't he? — Майк мог говорить по-английски в прошлом году, не так ли? — Yes, he could. — Да.

1 Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.    He could speak English last year.
2.    Could she dance two years ago? — No, she couldn't.
3.    What could your pet do last year?
4.    Who could play computer games five years ago?

2    Answer the questions.

Model: Kate was in the shop.

1.    Could you play football last year?
2.    Could you read English books last year?
3.    Could your sister cook two years ago?
4.    Could you play tennis when you were seven?
5.    What sports could you do last year at school?

3    Look at the pictures. Where were these people at 9 o'clock yesterday?
Who could watch a film on TV at 9.30?

Model: Kаte wсls  in thе  shop.

4 What could you do five years ago? What couldn't you do five years ago? Can you do it now?

Model: I could swim five years ago.
       I couldn't drive a car five years ago.
       I can't drive a car now.
swim, read, play computer games, cook, fly, talk, drive a car, wash the floor, predict the future, speak English, do the shopping, decorate a Christmas tree, write, use the computer

Союз when

В английском языке простые предложения обычно объединяются в сложноподчиненные с помощью подчинительных союзов. Например, с помощью союза when (когда).

When I went to school, I could read. — Когда я пошел в школу, я умел читать.

5  Read the words and expressions.

to rhyme — рифмовать(ся)
a rhyme — зд. рифма
to do magic tricks — показывать фокусы
to be blue — грустить
to dive — нырять

6  Robin is telling Misha about his life in 1599. Before you read his story, try to answer the questions.

Model: How old was Robin when he could say the word "Mum"? —
       I think he was one, because "Mum" rhymes with "one"
1.    How old was Robin when he could open the door?
2.    How old was Robin when he could fly with his raven?
3.    How old was Robin when he could swim and dive?
4.    How old was Robin when he could talk to the trees?
5.    How old was Robin when Nessy was his best mate?

7  Listen to the song and check your answers.


8  Read the text of the song. Which questions does it answer?

1.    Was Robin happy at home?
2.    What could Robin do when he was little?
3.    Was Robin a wizard?
4.    Could Robin swim and read?

When I was one,
I could say the word "Mum."
When I was two,
I was sad and blue.
When I was three,
I could talk to the trees.
When I was four,
I could open the castle door.
When I was five,

I could swim and dive.
When I was six,
I could do magic tricks.
When I was seven,
I could fly with a raven.
When I was eight,
Nessie was my best, best mate.
When I was nine,
I could travel in time.

9 In pairs. Look at the pictures and try to remember the poem about Robin in 1599. Ask and answer questions.

Model: What could Robin do when he was one? —
       He could say the word "Mum."
       When was he sad and blue? — When he was two.

10 In pairs. Look at your partner and guess: When could he / she read, write, swim, draw, sing, cook, ride a bicycle, play football, play a musical instrument, sew? Write your guesses.

Model: I think my friend could read when he / she was five.

карт  Ask and answer the questions and check your guesses.

Model: Could you read when you were six? — Yes, I could. / No,
I couldn't.
When could you read?— I could read when I was seven.


A Write a report about what your partner could do in the past. Use your notes from Ex. 1 0.

В Make up your own song. Use these rhymes or think of your own. Translate the new words with a dictionary.

Life wasn't fun.                  When I was one...
I was always fine.                ... two ...
I couldn't drive.                 ... three ...
I was very clever.                ... four ...
I was never late.                 ... five
I could play with bricks.         ... six
I could clean the floor.          ... seven
I couldn't cross the street.      ... eight
I couldn't read books.            ... nine
All fairy tales were true.

Information for В (Unit 2 Lesson 6 Ex. 4)


К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

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1236084776 kr.jpg опорный каркас  
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Совершенствование учебников и уроков
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Только для учителей
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