How to find the robber

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1    Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.

means of communication — средства коммуникации
to take smth for granted — воспринимать как само собой разумеющееся
nowadays — в наше время
anyway — во всяком случае

Обратите внимание! Существительное means имеет одинаковую форму для единственного и множественного числа. Например:
A car is a means of transport. — Машина — средство передвижения.
There are a lot of means of communication. — Существует много
средств общения.

2    Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers.


Friends will be able to catch the robber

a)    if the robber makes a mistake.
b)    if a computer specialist agrees to help them. ,
c)    because they know his / her e-mail address.
d)    if the robber is from their school.

2-10-38.jpg Read the conversation for detail.

Misha: Why are you so sad, Mark? Were you able to translate the story?
           Have you found another key?
Mark:   I've read the story, but it's only the first part. There is no key in it.
           The robber has the book, but he doesn't know the code. If he learns
            it, he'll be able to translate the other stories.
Rob:    What can we do?
Mark:   I don't know. The e-mail address that we have doesn't give us any information.
Rob:     Let's write to the robber and tell him that the text is very long and we can't e-mail it.
Mark:   Yeah! And he'll send us his fax number. Come on, Rob! The
            man is not an idiot. He knows something about modern means of
            communication. He was able to scan the document and find an
            e-mail address for Mr Jenkins.
Misha:  Yes, and he takes it for granted that we won't be able to find him.
            But wait... I have an idea! Let's send the translation to this e-mail address.
Rob:     Are you crazy? If we do that, the robber will have the book and the code!
Misha:  Don't worry. If we're lucky, we'll be able to get the book back tomorrow.
Mark:    What are you talking about?
Misha:  Do you remember that time when somebody kidnapped Rob? Agent Cute was with us and noticed something.
Rob:     Now I remember. He said that the kidnapper was from our school,
            because he knew everything about us. But how does that help us?
Misha:   It's simple. We'll e-mail the translation to the robber, but we'll send
            a virus with the translation. When the robber gets a problem with
             his computer, he'll run to...
Rob:      To Andrew Clayton, our computer genius! All the teachers and the pupils always go to him with their problems.
Mark:    There may still be a problem. Nowadays big e-mail services have
             special systems that protect the users from viruses. They'll be able
             to stop our virus easily.
Rob:      Anyway, let's talk to Andrew. I'm sure he'll be able to help.
Mark:    You are right Rob, let's try to do something.

3 Copy the table into your exercise books and fill it in with the sentences from the dialogue.

4 Look through the dialogue and

a)    find all the modern means of communication that the boys are discussing. What do we use them for? Which of them do you take for granted?
b)    find the verbs for the nouns: e-mail, scanner, filter.

How to build words

В английском языке во многих случаях слова, являющиеся различными частями речи, совпадают в произношении и написании.

work — работа
change — изменение
fax — факс
love — любовь
smell — запах
e-mail —электронная
почта clean — чистый
free — свободный

to work — работать
to change — менять
to fax — передавать по факсу
to love — любить
to smell — пахнуть
to e-mail — посылать по электронной почте
to clean — чистить
to free — освобождать

Если в тексте вам встретилось подобное слово, то для того чтобы решить, какой частью речи оно является, надо проанализировать контекст, в котором это слово употреблено. Например:
My father works in the library. — Мой отец работает в библиотеке.

His work is very interesting. — Его работа очень интересная.

5 Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1.    Are there any changes in the text?
2.    I don't want to change anything.
3.    Have you got the fax?
4.    Yes. I'll fax his letter tomorrow.
5.    Do you have an e-mail address?
6.    She e-mailed you his phone number two days ago.

Verb odivator    

the verb to have

1    expressions with to have
to have a party (устраивать вечеринку) / an exam / a meeting /
a competition / a lesson / a game to have a cold (простудиться) / a headache / a temperature / flu / a sore throat
Have a nice time! — Приятно провести время! Have a good trip! — Удачного путешествия!

2    to have = to eat, drink, take
to have breakfast / lunch / dinner / something to eat / a sandwich / a pizza /
a cup of coffee / some milk to have a shower / a bath / a swim

3    to have + noun
В случае если одно и то же понятие может быть выражено и глаголом и существительным, часто употребляется to have + существительное, а не глагол. Например:
to have a rest = to rest — отдыхать to have a wash = to wash — мыться

6 Make verbs from these expressions.

1.    to have a sleep              4. to have a drink
2.    to have a try                  5. to have a look
3.    to have a think               6. to have a wash

7 Read and complete the sentences. Use a or some. Translate the poem.

Pam and Sam had ... walk,
Had ... look at the shops,
Found ... very nice dress,
Then they needed ... rest.

Pam and Sam had ... rest,
Had ... chat about the dress,
Had ... drink, had ... lunch,
But the dress cost too much...*

Pam and Sam couldn't sleep,
Counted black and white sheep,
Had ... very bad dream,
And woke up with a scream**.
* Платье стоило слишком дорого. ** крик


A Use the words in brackets as verbs or nouns and complete the sentences. Add a preposition, an article and change the form of the verb if necessary.

Life is never boring if you have a computer. I'll tell you why.
I can meet a lot of people. When I want (CHAT) with somebody, I go to (CHAT) website.
When I want to talk to my friends from a different town, I don't use (PHONE). I (PHONE) them through my computer. It doesn't cost much.
When I need some information, I can always (LOOK) on the Internet.
When I write (E-MAIL) to my pen friend from Spain, she always (REPLY) quickly.
Yesterday I (E-MAIL) my homework to her. She promised to help me with it, but I haven't had (ANSWER) yet.
В What is the girl in the pictures doing?

C What do you say in these situations? Use the expressions with the verb have.

Model:  Your friend: I'm tired.

You: Have a rest.
1.    Your friend: I'm thirsty.                                 3. Your friend: I'm hungry.
You: ...                                                                 You: ...
2.    Your friend: I don't know what                       4. Your friend: I'm flying to
to do.    Turkey on holiday.
You: ...                                                                You: ...

D Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.    "Где Лена?" — "У нее грипп".— "У нее есть температура?" — "Да. У нее болит горло уже три дня".
2.    "У меня новый фотоаппарат".— "Можно посмотреть?"
3.    "Ты позвонил Ане?" — "Нет. Я звоню уже 20 минут, но линия занята".— "Давай попытаемся дозвониться еще раз".
4.    Сегодня вода в море теплая. Давай поплаваем.

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

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