Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 7 класс>> "A friend in need is a friend indeed". Grammar Present Simple

1 In pairs. Rob has disappeared. Give advice to Agent Cute and his friends What should they do? What shouldn't they do? Why?
2 Read the sentences. Does the speaker like the people in the sentences?
1. I don't believe Kate. She often lets me down. 2. When I had a problem, Sam stood by me. He is a good friend. 3. Jane is very selfish. She is not interested in other people's problems 4. My friend is always there for me. 5. I always talk my problems through with Helen. I can phone her at night and she'll listen to me.
3 Listen, read and check your ideas.
to let somebody down — подводить кого-либо to stand by somebody — поддерживать кого-либо to be selfish — быть эгоистичным a bit — немножко friendship — дружба to talk something through — обсуждать through thick and thin — что бы ни случилось
4 Listen, read and say: What are the friends going to do? What are the friends not going to do?

5 Write what will happen if the friends do these things.
Model: If they phone the police, the teachers will have problems.
1. phone the police 4. give the history book to the kidnappers 2. wake the teachers up 5. (not) give the history book to the kidnappers 3. write to the boss 6. try to look for Rob
6 Answer the questions.
1. What is more important for Misha: his friend or the treasure? 2. Why does Misha think that Rob is his friend? 3. What does Misha respect about Rob? 4. What doesn't Misha like about Rob?
7 Answer the questions.
1. Do you have a friend? 4. is he / she always there for you? 2. Has he / she ever let you down? 5. What qualities do you like in him / hei 3. Do you have fun together? 6. What qualities don't you like in him / hei
8 Read and translate the sayings about friendship. Find the sayings with the main idea: A friend will stand by you.
1. Life without friendship is like the sky without sun. 2. True friendship starts the moment one person says to another, "What? You too? I thought I was the only onel" (один такой) 3. The best mirror is an old friend. 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 5. A friend is the one who walks in, when others walk out. 6. Every person is a new door to a different world. 7. A friend is someone who can sing you the song of your heart when you've forgotten it.
9 1 Discuss the meanings of the sayings. Which one do you like? Why?
10 In pairs. Discuss: What things are the most important for you in friendship? Use these words and expressions:
it is important, it doesn't matter, I think a friend should (be), I think a friend shouldn't, I agree, I don't agree, as a rule, but what about
11 Read and answer the questions.
1. What should Cute do with the book? 2. Where is the meeting place?

12 Discuss: What have we learnt about the kidnappers?
13 Look at the texts of Ex. 4 and Ex. 1 1 again. Fill in the table with the sentences in the Present Simple.

A What will you do in these situations? Give true answers.
Model: If my friend lets me down, I will (not) forgive him/her.
1. Your friend lets you down. 2. Your friend needs your help. 3. Your friend phones you at six o'clock in the morning. 4. Your friend spends the weekend with other friends. 5. Your friend is angry with you. 6. Your friend has a problem with Mathematics. 7. Your friend leaves your school.
В Get ready for "How well do you know your friend?" quiz.
1. Prepare as many questions about friends as you can. 2. Swap your questions with your best friend. 3. Try to answer the questions.
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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