Конспект уроку на тему: "Аудіювання та читання"

Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова >>Англійська мова: Unit 2. Lesson 3. Аудіювання та читання.

План-конспект уроку з курсу «Англійська мова 2 клас» з теми «Аудіювання та читання».


Цель урока: Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Семья», тренировать детей в умении вести беседу на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях и ролевых играх.

Задачи: Тренировать учащихся в употреблении знакомых лексических единиц и грамматических структур, а также разговорных выражений в монологической и диалогической речи, воспитывать чувство любви и
уважения к самым  близким и дорогим людям.

Оборудование: Игрушки, бандероль, магнитофон, запись, портрет Незнайки.

                               Ход урока:

1.    Приветствие.
T.- Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you, children? Sit down, please!

2.    Речевая разминка.
T.- Children, what is the date today?
      What day of a week is it today?
      What is the weather like today?

T.- You know, kids, I have got a parcel from London. This parcel is from Mike Brown. What is in the parcel? Let us see! Look! It is a cassette. Let us listen to it.
(Прослушиваем звуковое письмо, где Майк Браун рассказывает о своей семье, приглашает ребят в гости).

T.-You see, Mike welcomes us to London. But can you tell Mike about your families?
P.- Yes, we can.
T.- So, at the lesson today we shall prepare for our trip to London. We shall speak about our families. (Объявление цели урока).

3.    Фонетическая зарядка.
T.- What poems about a family do you know? Let us recite them.
(Учащиеся читают наизусть стихотворения по теме «Семья»).

1)    My Family.
This is my father, this is my mother,
This is my brother Paul.
This is my sister, this is my brother,
How I love them all.

2)    ***
Mother, father, sister, brother.
Hand in hand with one another.

3)    ***
Good night, father!                        Good night, sister!
Good night, mother!                      Good night, brother!
Kiss you little son!                        Good night, everyone!

4)    A Happy Family.
I love mother, she loves me.              I love sister, she loves me.
We love daddy, yes siree.                 We love brother, yes siree.
He loves us and so you see,             He loves us and so you see,
We are a happy family.                     We are a happy family.  

4.    Речевая зарядка по теме:

T.- So, Mike Brown has got one brother and one sister. And what about you?
(T-P1, P2, P3).

T.- Have you got a family?
   -Is your family big or small?
   -What is your father’s name?
   -What is your mother’s name?
   -What is your father?
   -What is your mother?
   -Have you got any sisters or brothers?
   -How many sisters have you got?
   -Have you got grandparents?
   -Have you got any pets?
   -What is your hobby?

5.    Развитие диалогической речи.
(Обращаю внимание детей на доску. На ней портрет Незнайки и ответы на вопросы. Детям предлагается восстановить вопросы).

T.- Children, Neznaika wants to go to London too. He wants to ask his British friends about his family. But he can’t ask questions. Let’s help Neznaika. Let’s teach him to ask questions.
(Учащиеся работают в режиме Т-Р1, Р2, Р3).
T.- Have you got a family?
P.- Yes, I have got a family.
T.- Is your family big?
P.- Yes, my family is big.
T.- Have you got grandparents?
P.- Yes, I have got. I have got two grandmothers and two grandfathers.
T.- What is your mother’s name?
P.- My mother’s name is Anna Petrovna.
T.- What is your father’s name?
P.- My father’s name is Igor Andreevich.
T.- What is your mother?
P.- My mother is a teacher.
T.- What is your father?
P.- My father is a driver.
T.- Have you got any brothers or sisters?
P.- I have got brothers, but I haven’t got sisters.
T.- How many brothers have you got?
P.- I have got two brothers.
T.- How many aunts and uncles have you got?
P.- I have got two uncles and one aunt.

T.- Thank you, children. Neznaika thanks you too. Now he can ask questions and he can go with us to London.

T.- And now talk to one another about your families. Work in pairs. You may use Neznaika’s questions.
(Учащиеся работают в режиме Р1- Р2.Во время работы учитель контролирует работу пар. Затем все вместе прослушиваем одну- две пары.)

6.    Развитие монологической речи учащихся.
( На столе учителя: клубок, игрушечная машинка, кукла, газета, передник. Дети говорят о том, кому принадлежит тот или иной предмет. Отвечая на вопросы / Кому….?, ребята рассказывают об этом человеке).

T.- Children, you see, there are some things on my desk. Whose thing is this?
P.- This one is my mother’s. My mother’s name is Svetlana Romanovna. She is a doctor. She is 37. I love my mother very much.

T.- Now tell your friend about your family. Work in pair.
(Контролирую работу детей.)

T.- I know, you have many friends. Have you got a friend, Pavel? And you?
T.- Children, have you got a pet?
(Пятиклассники рассказывают о своем любимце.)
P.- I have a dog. Its name is Rex. My dog is black. It is very clever and funny. I like it very much.

T.- British children like cats and dogs and other pets too. What a beautiful picture gallery! Let’s go to this gallery. Who wants to be a guide?
(На доске картинки с изображениями животных. Ученик называет их, их имена.)

7.    Развитие диалогического умения с использованием ролевой игры.
T.- Now, we are ready to go to London.
( Используется языковой материал из раздела 2Nice to meet you и раздела 3’’ Meet the family’’).
T.- Children, imagine you are in London. Meet the English family.
(Распределяем роли. Гостя из России играет сильный ученик. Мальчика из России встречает в аэропорту в Лондоне английская семья(The Browns).
The Browns: mother(38), father(40), Mike(10), his brother John(8), his sister Ann(12).
The family has got a hamster and a parrot.
The Russian boy- Alexander.
На доске табличка: Airport.

Mike: Excuse me. Are you from Russia?
Alexander: Yes, I am.
Mike: My name is Mike.
Alexander: My name is Alexander.
Mike: Nice to meet you.
Alexander: Nice to meet you too.
Mike: Welcome to Russia.
(У всех членов семьи карточки с именами).
Mike: Mum, Dad, this is Alexander.
Alexander: How do you do, Mrs Brown? How do you do, Mr Brown?
Mother: Nice to meet you!
Father: Hello, Alexander. Nice to meet you!
Mike: This is my brother John and my sister Ann.
Ann: Nice to meet you.
John: Nice to meet you too.
Alexander: Nice to meet you. I have got some presents from my parents for you. Here they are.
Mother: Thank you. Have you got a family, Alexander? Is you family big?
Alexander: Yes, I have. My family is big.
Mother: What is your mother?
Alexander: My mother is a teacher.
Ann: Have you got a grandmother?
Alexander: Yes, I have got a grandmother and a grandfather.
Father: What is your father’s name?
Alexander: My father’s name is Vladimir Sergeevch.
Father: What is his hobby?
Alexander: His hobby is fishing.
Ann: Have you got any sisters or brothers?
Alexander: I have got a sister.
Ann: My hobby is music. What is your sister’s hobby?
Alexander: My sister likes to read books.
John: I have got a hamster and a parrot. Have you got a parrot?
Alexander: Yes, I’ve got a parrot. It’s funny.
Mike: I’ve got a computer. My hobby is playing computer games. How about you?
Alexander: I like playing computer games too.
Mike: What is your favorite sport?
Alexander: Football.

8.    Подведение итогов урока.

T.- So, today we’ve prepared for our visiting London. I think you can tell your British friend about your family, your friend’s family and your pets.
I’m pleased with your work. Thank you, children. Good-bye!

Надіслано учителем англійської мови Ключніковою І.І., Міжнародного ліцею "Гранд"

Книги та підручники згідно календарного плануванння з англійської мови 2 класу скачати, допомога школяру онлайн

Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 2 клас > Unit 2. Lesson 3. Аудіювання та читання > Unit 2. Lesson 3. Аудіювання та читання. Конспект уроку і опорний каркас