Оцінювання для уроку «Повторення граматичної теми Present Tenses. Виконання вправ»

Оцінювання для уроку англійської мови 8 класу

Тема: Повторення граматичної теми Present Tenses. Виконання вправ


Контрольная работа

I. Complete the following sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous forms.

1. Julia is very good at languages. She …………………………….. four languages very well. (speak)

2. Hurry up! Everybody …………………………….. for you. (wait)

3. She’s tired. She …………………………….. to go home. (want)

4.”Excuse me, but you …………………………….. in my place.”  “Oh, I’m sorry.” (sit)

5. They …………………………….. television very often. (not/watch)

6. Ron is in London at the moment. He …………………………….. at the Park Hotel. (stay)

7. More and more people …………………………….. to the countryside these days. (move)

8. What time  …………………………….. work every day? (she/finish)

9. This soup  …………………………….. delicious. How did you make it? (taste)

10. “What is Dad doing?” “He …………………………….. the potatoes to see if they are cooked. (taste)

II. Complete the following sentences with the correct present perfect or present perfect continuous forms.

1. Look! Somebody …………………………….. that window. (break)

2.”Why are your clothes so wet?” “We  …………………………………. in the rain. (play)

3. How long  ……………………………………. that book? (you/read)

4. I …………………………………. my passport. Have you seen it? (lose)

5.  …………………………………. Mexican food ? (you/ever/try)
6. Tim ……………………………………. to Scotland. (never/be)

7. We ………………………………….. here for half an hour and he hasn’t come yet. (wait)

8. Sue is in the attic. She ………………………………… it all day. (clean)

9. He is a famous writer. He …………………………… ten books. (write)

10. I ……………………………… all my homework yet. (not/do)

Надіслано вчителем Міжнародного ліцею "Гранд" Афанасьєвою Л.А.

Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 8 клас > Повторення граматичної теми Present Tenses. Виконання вправ > Повторення граматичної теми Present Tenses. Виконання вправ. Оцінювання