Оцінювання до теми Контрольна робота Варіант 1

Оцінювання до уроку з предмету Англійська мова 4 клас
Тема: Контрольна робота.

Надіслано Ключніковою І.І.,вчителем Міжнародного ліцею "Гранд"

Контрольна робота з англійської мови
4 клас

1 варіант

Read and choose.

Larry……….baseball every Sunday.
A   plays    B  play      C  is playing   

1.    We always…… winter.
A  are skating   B skates   C  skate

2.They……. their homework now.
A  do    B  are doing    C  is doing

3.David………collecting things.
A  likes  B  like   C don’t likes

4.Listern! Clara……..
A  is singing   B  sings   C  sing

5.He………dinner every afternoon.
A  is cooking   B  cooks   C  cook

6…………you go to school on Saturday?
A  are      B  do    C  does

Read and correct.

Did you went to school yesterday?               Go
1. She didn’t made a cake last week.        _______________
2.Cleopatra wears long dresses.                _______________
3.What did you did last weekend?            _______________
4.People didn’t drove cars three hundred years ago.      __________
5.Did you drank your milk last night?      ______________
6.We visit our friends yesterday.              ______________

Read and write.
1They cycled (cycle) in the park.

1.They ……………..(paint) a picture yesterday.
2.Wendy ……………….(write) a letter two days ago.
3. Dinosaurs………………….(have) sharp claws.
4. Lin ………………….(travel) to China last summer.
5.Cavemen………………….(make) weapons from wood.
6.The boys ………………….(drink) a lot of cola.

Fill in am, is, are, was, were.

1.    It ________Monday today. Anna and Mary ____________at work.

It __________Sunday yesterday and they ___________ at home.

2.    It__________ night. The children ________in bed. They ____________

in the living room three hours ago.

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