Тест до уроку: Семестрове оцінювання з письма (Англійська мова 6 клас)

Тест до предмету Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тема«Семестрове оцінювання з письма»
Director’s Final Test                                      


Variant - I
A Choose the correct item.

1. That was the ………………….. film I have ever seen.
A exciting          B more exciting          C most exciting

2.  If you throw a boomerang, it ………………………… back to you.
     A comes              B come                      C is coming

3.  When I was a baby, my mother ………………………to take me for walks in the park.
     A used                B use                          C uses

4.  I’m afraid Jane isn’t here – she ………………… Paris, and she won’t be back until next weekend.
     A has been to      B has gone to             C has been in

5.  Are there ………………………. eggs in the fridge?
     A  an                   B some                       C any

6.  Richards …………….. watches TV. He doesn’t like staying home very much.
    A seldom              B always                    C often

7.  Old people usually walk very ………………………….
      A slow                          B slower                          C slowly

8. The girl left ……………….. books on the bus.
      A her                            B she                               C their

9.  Jennifer has …………………… been in a helicopter before.
     A ever                            B never                           C already

10. If the temperature continues to drop, it ……………………. at the weekend.
    A  snows                         B is snowing                    C will snow

B Fill in the gaps with one word.
I've     seen this comedy twice.
They bought the house a     months ago.
I like walking     the river.
You    take more exercise if you want to be fit.

5    We      having a great time at the party until the fight started.
6    Emma and Lucy    gone to the bank, but they will return soon.
I'm tired. I think I     go to bed.
Steve's car is faster     mine.
The music is too loud    you turn it down, please?
Have you ……..... been to Prague.

C Match the words to the pictures.


D Answer the questions about yourself.
1. What is the weather like today?
2. What clothes do you wear when you go on a picnic?
3. What do you think people will wear in the year 2200?
4. What are you doing next weekend?
5. Where are you going to spend your summer holidays?

Director’s Final Test                                      


Variant – II

A Choose the correct item.
1    All you     to do is turn off the lights.
A must    B have    C can

2     go near the edge of the cliff, Jenny!
A Don't    B Not    C Doesn't

3    The robber     last night.
A was arrested      B was arresting      C arrested

4    The TV show starts    7:00 pm.
A at    B on    C in 

5    Why did you pack your suitcase? ………………..on holiday?   
A Will you go    B Do you go            C Are you going

6    The flowers    watered last night
A are    B have    C were

7    Can you answer the phone? I      the dishes right now.
A wash    B am washing    C washing

8    This is the girl    car was stolen yesterday.
A who    B who's    C whose

9    You must be very careful when you walk     the road.
A over    B through    C across

10 Dad      you to the zoo when you finish your homework.
A is taking      B takes    C will take

B Fill in the gaps with one word.

1. Graham hasn’t finished his home work …………….. .
2. Stephen doesn’t speak French, ……………………… he?
3. This book ……………………………written in 1856.
4. Andrew is a better student …………………. Maria.
5. Where is my purse? I can’t find it …………………… .
6. This is the girl …………………… sister I met yesterday.
7. There are only a …………………apples left.
8. It started raining …………………. he was sleeping.
9. I think I ………………… go to the cinema tonight.
10. Would you like ……………….. orange juice?

C  Fill in with:

D Answer the questions about yourself.
1. What were you doing at 6:00 am yesterday?
2. How do you go to school?
3. What did you do last Sunday morning?
4. Where were you last Sunday at 7:00?
5. How do you feel after a busy day at school?

Надіслано вчителем міжнародного ліцею „Гранд” Чистяковою

Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 6 клас > Семестрове оцінювання з письма (Англійська мова 6 клас) > Семестрове оцінювання з письма (Англійська мова 6 клас). Практикуми, лабораторні, кейси