Читання незнайомого тексту: Fair and exhibitions in Ukraine. Повні уроки

Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 11 клас. Повні уроки>> Англійська мова: Читання незнайомого тексту: Fair and exhibitions in Ukraine. Повний урок


Тип уроку

Здобуття навичок розуміння мови зорово.

Мета уроку

Оцінити вміння сприймати та розуміти мову зорово.

Зaвдaння урoку

  • прочитати англійський текст;
  • опрацювати лексику з теми;
  • відповісти на запитання до тексту;
  • виконати практичні завдання для визначення рівня розуміння прочитаного;
  • розвинути навички виконання письмових вправ.

Хід урoку

Fair and exhibitions in Ukraine

Ukraine stands for the development of trade with all countries therefore the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce arranges various fairs and exhibitions both in our country and abroad. Our fairs and exhibitions are very popular with the people abroad and each of them is called an “eye-opener”. They show our achievements in science, industry, culture and other fields of our national economy. Foreign visitors are interested both in the exhibits and the Ukrainian way of life in general. These fairs and exhibition do a lot to establish contacts and to promote trade.

Trade fairs and exhibitions usually attract thousands of visitors and many potential buyers among them. A great deal of profitable business is done at commercial centers at the exhibitions: new contacts are made, new transactions are concluded, new orders are placed and new markets are established. This work goes on after the exhibition as well: enquiries are sent out for the goods our national economy requires and offers are made for the products our new contacts are interested in. There are traditional fairs and exhibitions that are held annually, for example the Zeipzig fair that is organized twice a year – in the spring and in the autumn in Germany. Also, there are fairs and exhibitions organized on and off and devoted scientific achievements in this or that field of national economy. They are called accordingly: “Chemistry – 2007”, “Automation – 2006”, “Building – 2005”, ”Electronics – 2007”, etc.

The efficient staff of stand – attendants, guides and interpreters did their best to make the exhibition a success. Colourful leaflets helped to advertise the goods. The exhibition was crowded with visitors from opening to closing time. They were visited by a lot of foreign Businessmen as well. The entries in the visitors’ books show that they were greatly impressed by the exhibition. As a result new business contacts were established and a lot of contracts were signed.

expo ukraine

exhibitions in Ukraine

Цікаво знати!

An exhibition, in the most general sense, is an organized presentation and display of a selection of items. In practice, exhibitions usually occur within museums, galleries and exhibition halls. Exhibitions include [whatever as in major art museums and small art galleries; interpretive exhibitions, as at natural history museums and history museums, for example; and commercial exhibitions, or trade fairs.


Перевіртe себе (запитання до тексту)

1. Have you ever worked at any exhibition in Ukraineor abroad?

2. You had a lot of leaflets to advertise your goods, didn’t you?

3. What is Ukraine doing to establish contacts with other countries?

4. Why do a lot of firms take part in international fairs?

5. What information can you get from advertisement?

6. In what way does foreign trade help our country develop the national economy?

7. What helps businessmen to promote sales of their products?

8. What is the role of international exhibitions?


Завдання 1. Give English equivalents to the Ukrainian word and word combinations:

Підтримувати, розвиток, ярмарок, досягнення, промисловий, експонат, сприяти, встановлювати, учасник, наука, національна економіка, проводитися, перекладач, рекламувати, бути переповненим, бути враженим.

Завдання 2. Combine the suffixes - ment, - tion, - ation, - ity with the proper group of words:

Possible, exclusive, to develop, to consider, to form, to exploit, to improve, to occupy, to invent, to involve.

Завдання 3. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text and translate them:

1. Ukraine has been (гість) to a number of international (виставка).

2. They were sponsored by the (українська торговельна палата).

3. The participants of the exhibition can (обговорювати) the sale and the purchase of different (товарів).

4. Every exhibition is a method (рекламувати) products.

5. The model R 800 computer attracted my (увага). 6. The chemical exhibition which was held last year in Kyiv (мала великий успіх).

виставка картин


Список використаних джерел:

1. Урок на тему: «Еxhibitions in Ukraine» учителя ЗОШ № 126 Слободянюк Н. О., м. Одеса.

2. Т. В. Барамикова та ін. Практичний курс англійської мови— 2009 р.

3. en.wіkіpedіа.оrg

Cкoмпoнoвaнo та відредагoвaнo Кaмoнгaр Г. Н.

Над уроком працювали

Бусько А. Л.

Кaмoнгaр Г. Н.

Любименко В. В.

Слободянюк Н. О.

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