Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 11 класс>> 1b Listening & Speaking Skills

Vocabulary Relationships
1 Describe the pictures. How are the people related?
2 Choose the correct word. Check in the World List.
1 Mrs. Jacobs is always involving/interfering in things that don't concern/worry her. 2 He's always making/picking fights with his neighbours! It's difficult to make/have friends with him. 3 My cousin really gets/puts on my nerves! He thinks he knows everything! 4 Josh is always showing/telling off and saying how good he is at everything. 5 It's usual/typical of him to put the fault/ blame on others. 6 His parents are extremely pleased/enjoyed with his progress. 7 Sue is very popular/famous with her friends. 8 Our mum gives/takes good care of us. We are close/near to her. 9 I've got a great connection/relationship with my brother. We never have/make arguments. 10 When John makes/gives a promise he never takes/breaks it. 11 My parents didn't allow/let me stay out late when I was at school. 12 She always depends/relies on her family for help and support. 13 His grandparents don't approve/agree of the way he dresses. 14 Her parents object/refuse to her staying out late. 15 I don't really know/recognise Steve. We smile and say/tell hello but otherwise we stick/keep to ourselves.
3 Use the phrases to discuss your relationships with various family members, friends & neighbours. Use ideas from Ex. 2.

> A: I have a really good relationship with my brother. We almost never argue.
B: Really? I often argue with my brother: We have almost nothing in common.
4 RNE Look at the form. What is it for? Now listen and fill in the gaps (1-6).

Name of caller: Mary 1) .............. Complaint(s): • loud music & lots of noisy 2) .............. • throwing 3) ................in her garden When problem(s) first started: 4) ............ months ago Advice given: • keep a 5) ......... to record the facts • Contact 6) ............. if necessary
Making a complaint, apologising 5 Use the ideas below/your own ideas and the language in the box to act out exchanges.
drop litter in garden dog barks a lot/digs up plants children make too much noise/damage property have loud arguments at night
Making a complaint
| Apologising
• I'm afraid I have a complaint...
• I'm really unhappy/ annoyed/upset/ angry etc. about...
• Do you think you could do something about...?
• I wonder if you could stop (+verb+-ing)...?
• Would you mind stopping...?
• Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to upset youi/l had no idea!
• I'm really/so/ extremely sorry. Please accept my apologies.
• I see/understand why you're upset. It won't happen again.
• Oh, I do apologise. I/We'll try to do something about it.
> A: I'm really upset about the litter that you keep dropping in my garden.
B: I'm really sorry: It won't happen again.
6 Listen and read to answer the questions. Explain the underlined phrases.
1 How are John and Phil related? 2 What is John's problem? 3 What does Phil promise? 4 Who's having a party on Saturday?
John: Hi, I'm John Sullivan from next door. I don't think we've met yet. Phil: Oh, hi. I'm Phil. Pleased to meet you. Would you like to come in? John: Oh, no thanks. I'm on mv wav to a lecture. I just wondered if I could have a quick word. Phil: Sure, go ahead. John: Well, it's just that your loud music has been keeping my housemates and me awake every night since you moved in. There's a lot of shouting going on too. Phil; Oh... yes, f suppose we've been a bit noisy. John: Yes, I understand, but we're sitting exams in two weeks' time and need a good night's sleep. Phil: Oh dear, I'm sorry. I'll make sure that we keep it down. John: Thanks so much, Phil, I appreciate that. Phil: You're welcome! Oh, by the way, we're having a party this Saturday! You and your housemates are all invited! John: Oh, errr... well, OK then, it's the weekend I suppose!
7 Portfolio: You have a problem with your new neighbour. Act out your dialogue. Use the dialogue in Ex. 6 as a model. Record yourselves.
Say it right
Inviting - accepting, declining
8 Choose the correct response. Listen and check.
1 A: Do come over for coffee some time. B: a That would be nice, b OK, that's fine.
2 A: Would you like to come for dinner tonight? B: a I wouldn't like to. b Oh, unfortunately I can't.
3 A: The party's on June 4th. Will you be able to make it? B: a Yes, I can't miss it. b I wouldn't miss it for the world!
4 A: How about going out? B: a Sounds good, but I'm afraid I can't. b That's unfortunate!
9 Fill in: black sheep, trousers, blood, apple. Check in the Word List. Do you have similar idioms in your language?
1 Take care of your sister. She's your own flesh and ............... . 2 His mother wears the ............... in the family. She is the boss! 3 My brother is the ................... of the family. He's always in trouble. 4 Her younger daughter is the ................... of her eye.
10 THINK! What makes friends different from family? In three minutes write a few sentences on the topic.
Английский язык. 11 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. - 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. - 244 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе).
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