Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 6 класс>> A girl gеts lost

1 Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker. Guess the meanings of the underlined words.
situation, celebration,demonstration, liberation, generation, consultation. decoration, coronation, illumination, examination, intuition, conversation

2 Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker.
to try [trai] — пытаться to cry — плакать to get lost — потеряться a notebook — записная книжка because — потому что
3 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
1. Who do Misha and Robin meet at the sleepover? 2. What's the girl's problem? 3. What are the boys going to do?
4 Read the conversation.

Let's help Alice
A girl: Mark! John! Rosy! Where are you? Robin: Who are you? What can we do for you? The girl: My name is Alice. I'm here with my friends, but I can't find them. Misha: Let's try and find them together. Robin: It's eleven o'clock. All the people have gone home (все ушли). Alice: I am lost! Who will help me? Misha: Phone your friends. Alice: I can't phone them. They are not at home at the moment. They are in London on an excursion. Misha: You have your friends' address, don't you? Alice: Yes, I do, but I can't go there alone. I'm a tourist from France. It's my second day in England. I don't know London. Misha: Don't cry, Alice! We are with you. Alice: Will you help me, boys?

Союз because (потому что) соединяет два простых предложения в одно сложное. Например: Не plays computer games, because it's interesting.— Он играет в компьютерные игры, потому что это интересно.
5 Choose the right answer.
1. Alice can't find her friends at the museum because
a) they have gone. b) they are playing outside. c) they are in France.
2. Alice's friends have gone, because
a) they don't like Alice. b) it's eleven o'clock. c) they are very busy.
3. Alice is lost, because
a) she is from France. b) her friends have gone. c) she doesn't speak English.
4. Alice can't phone her friends, because
a) she doesn't speak English. b) she doesn't know their phone number. c) her friends are not at home at the moment.
5. Aliсе сan,t find hеr friends, housе, bесausе
a) she doesn't know Lоndon. b) shе doеsn't likе London. с) shе doеsn't know thеir addrеss.
6. Aliсe is сrying, bесause
a) shе wants to go homе to Franсе. b) she doеsn't like Мisha and Robin. с) shе gеts lost.
7. Robin says, "That's a surprise!" about thе address, bесausе
a) it is his address. b) Aliсe's friends dоn,t live in London. с) he сan,t rеad it.
6 Imagine that you get lost in England. What will you do in this situation? Why? Match the parts of the sentences and use them for ideas.
1. I'll stay at that place,... 2. I'll go to my English friends' home,... 3. I'll phone my English friends,... 4. I'll go to the police,... 5. I'll phone Mum and Dad,...
a) ...because I know their phone number. b) ...because they can always help. c) ...because my English friends can find me there. d) ...because I know their address. е) ...bесause thеy сan find my Еnglish friеnds and take mе to thеir homе. 7 Play a game. Use the parts of the sentences and make as many sentences with because as you can.
Model:I can't go out, because it's cold.
 8 Check your answers with the cassette / disk. Homework
A Answer the questions.
1. Is it cold or warm today? Why? 2. Are you happy today? Why? / Why not? 3. Do you like mathematics? Why? / Why not? 4. Do you like to read books? Why? / Why not? 5. Do you want to go to England? Why? / Why not? 6. Do you want to be a doctor? Why? / Why not? 7. Do you want to learn to drive a car? Why? / Why not? 8. Do you like winter? Why? / Why not? 9. What's your favouritе Sеason? Why?
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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