Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 7 класс>> The Tsar Bell and the Kunstkammer. Grammar Артикль

Артикль (The Article)
Без артикля употребляются названия: континентов, стран, деревень, регионов, островов, горных вершин, площадей, парков, улиц — Corsica, America, Sakhalin, Strelkovka, Brompton Road, London, Baker Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Kaluga Region, Africa, France, Trafalgar Square, Korolyov Street, Elbrus, Everest, Cuba, Madagascar, Hyde Park
1 Put the names in the right columns.
| Страны
| Острова
| Горные вершины
| Города / Деревни
| Площади / Улицы
| Парки
Артикль the употребляется с названиями:
стран, содержащих слова state, kingdom, federation и т. п. —the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation.
театров, музеев, картинных галерей, гостиниц —the Hilton (hotel), the Globe Theatre, the Russian Museum, the National Portrait Gallery.
Без артикля употребляются названия соборов и церквей. — Westminster Abbey, St Mary's Church.
2 Read, listen and say after the speaker.

3 Which of the names in Ex. 2
are: museums geographical names famous sights theatres squares cathedrals
4 Match the names with the pictures. Where can you see these places?
Model:The first picture is Peterhof I can see it if I visit St Petersburg. the Kunstkammer Peterhof Red Square the Kremlin St Basil's Cathedral the Bolshoi Theatre the Hermitage the Tretyakov Gallery the Armoury Chamber the Tsar Bell the Tsar Cannon the Mariinsky Theatre the Summer Garden

5 Choose the right answer.
1. The capital of Russia is
a) St Petersburg b) Yekaterinburg c) Moscow
2. The capital of Russia in 1900 was
a) St Petersburg b) Yekaterinburg c) Moscow
3. The most famous Moscow theatre is
a) the Bolshoi Theatre b) the Mali Theatre c) the Grand Opera
4. The most famous museum in St Petersburg is
a) the Kremlin b) the Hermitage c) the St Petersburg museum of history
5. The Kunstkammer is
a) a museum b) a prison c) a palace
6. The founder of the Tretyakov Gallery was
a) Pavel Tretyakov b) Savva Morozov c) Yuri Dolgorukiy
7. In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see
a) a lot of books b) the treasures of the tsars c) beautiful pictures
8. In the Armoury Chamber you can see
a) a lot of stones b) the treasures of the tsars c) beautiful pictures 6 Fill in the gaps with the or — (no article) and complete the sentences. Use the words:
England, France, the USA, Italy, Russia, China, Germany.
Model:1. The Eiffel Tower is in France.

7 Listen and check your answers. Learn to pronounce the names of the places of interest correctly.
А Answer the questions.
1. What can you see in Red Square? 2. What is Peterhof? What can you see there? 3. What is the biggest museum in St Petersburg? 4. What is the most famous garden in St Petersburg? 5. What is the most famous Moscow theatre? 6. What is the most famous St Petersburg theatre? 7. What can you see in the Armoury Chamber?
В Match the names of the cities with their transcriptions. Learn to read them. Which of these cities are capitals?

С Match the names of the countries and their capitals. Use the or — (no article).
Model: The capital of France is Paris.
England, France, the USA, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, Germany
D Insert the articles where necessary.
Model:Sherlock Holmes lived in ... Baker Street. — Sherlock Holmes lived in Baker Street
1. Do you know about ... British Museum? 2. When we were in ... London, we lived in ... Arabella Hotel. 3. Let me show you the centre of ... Moscow: ... Red Square and ... Kremlin. 4. ... Trafalgar Square is in ... London. 5. ... America is a continent and ... USA is a country. 6. ... Oxford Street is very big. 7. ... Tretyakov Gallery is ... famous museum.
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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