Англійська мова 7 клас
Тема "Аудіювання впр.11 ст.61 та закріплення лексичного матеріалу"
Задачі та вправи до теми "Аудіювання впр.11 ст.61 та закріплення лексичного матеріалу"
Restaurant Cloze Fill in the blanks with words from the box:
appetizer bar breakfast brunch buffet
chef cook dessert dinner dishwasher
fancy fast-food lunch non-smoking salad
smoking soup tip waiter
People Who Work in a Restaurant: The person who serves your food is called a ___________________. The person who cooks your food is called a ____________________ if it is a cheap restaurant or a _____________________ if it is an expensive restaurant. A ___________________ is somebody who washes dishes. If the food and service is good, people usually leave a __________________.
Meals and the Time of Day: Most people eat ____________________ after they wake up. Around noon people have their midday meal, or _____________________. And ___________________ is the meal that people eat in the evening. However, sometimes, especially on Sunday, people like to sleep in, so instead of having breakfast, they eat a meal between breakfast and lunch called ______________________.
Parts of a Meal: At lunch or dinner sometimes people order a snack before the meal called an ________________________. A __________________ or a ___________________ is often served alongside the main meal. After dinner, people sometimes treat themselves to ___________________.
Types of Restaurants: It’s nice to eat at a ___________________ restaurant, but that can be expensive. Sometimes, if you are short on time or short on money, you might go to a ______________________ restaurant because the food is cheaper and served faster. Some restaurants have a ________________________, which means you take a plate up to a table loaded with food and you can put as much food as you want on your plate. Other restaurants have a ___________________ where you can get an alcoholic drink while you are waiting for your table. Most restaurants these days have a _________________ and a _________________ section.
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Англійська мова 7 клас > Англійська мова 7 клас > Аудіювання впр.11 ст.61 та закріплення лексичного матеріалу > Аудіювання впр.11 ст.61 та закріплення лексичного матеріалу. Задачі та вправи