Семестрова контрольна робота. Оцінювання

Англійська мова 9 клас<met akeywords>Семестрова контрольна робота, Англійська мова 9 клас, оцінювання</metakeywords>

 Тема "Семестрова контрольна робота"

Оцінювання до теми "Семестрова контрольна робота"

Director’s 1st sem. Test Paper for class 9 (variant 1)

Date………….. Student’s name…………………

I. Fill in the correct word.

1. Andrea, ………………………… lives next to me, has just had a baby.

2. Ed’s car ………………………… stolen last week from outside his house.

3. Did you have ………………………… wait for a long time at the post office?

4. The building was designed ………………………… a famous architect.

5. Those blue jeans are just …………………… expensive as the grey ones.

6. If ………………………… transport was reliable, fewer people would use their cars.

7. It’s ……………………… colder today than it was yesterday. You’d better put on your jacket.

8. Tigers are considered to be …………………………. species.

9. It isn’t warm …………………………… to go swimming today.

10. The fax machine hasn’t ………………………… delivered yet.

11. You should ………………………… glass, aluminium and paper cans.

12. What does a molecule of water consist …………………………?

13. Is this the restaurant ………………………… we are meeting Alison?

II. Underline the correct word(s) in bold.

1. Excuse me. Could/Might you tell me the time, please?

2. I’m scared of the water because I mightn’t/ can’t swim.

3. My daughter is studying languages at university. She can/could speak French, Italian and Russian.

4. We ought to/needn’t leave soon, I don’t want to be late.

5. Why didn’t you bring a coat? You can/must be freezing.

III. Put the adjective in brackets into the correct form .

1. Did you think the Math exam was difficult? - No, it was much _______________ (easy) than the Biology one. .

2. Oh, I like your new trainers. – They are great, aren’t they? And they are _______________ (comfortable) than the ones I had before.

3. Donna’s really nice, isn’t she? Yes, she’s one of _______________ (friendly) people I’ve ever met.

4. The reception we get with this new TV is awful. – You need to buy a _________________________ (good) aerial.

5. Amy is older than her sister, isn’t she? No, actually I think she’s a couple of years ___________________ (young) .

IV. Rewrite the sentences in the correct passive tense.

1. A local artist painted the picture. ____________________________

2. They will repair our car next week. __________________________

3. We feed our dog twice a day. ______________________________

4. They are building a new cinema now. ________________________

5. Sandy has written the postcard.

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