Семестрова контрольна робота. Оцінювання 2

Англійська мова 9 клас<met akeywords>Семестрова контрольна робота, Англійська мова 9 клас, оцінювання</metakeywords>

 Тема "Семестрова контрольна робота"

Оцінювання до теми "Семестрова контрольна робота"

Director’s 1st sem. Test Paper for class 9 (variant 2)

Date………….. Student’s name…………………

I. Fill in the correct word.

1. Sally, ………………………… father is the president of the company, decided to look for a new job.

2. We are looking forward ………………………… hearing from you.

3. Noise pollution is ………………………… more serious than we think it is.

4. The picture was painted ………………………… a famous artist.

5. He’s old …………………… to get a driving licence.

6. You can’t use the computer now. It is ………………………… repaired at the moment.

7. The ozone ……………………… protects the Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

8. Is this table made …………………………wood?

9. I can’t tell the difference …………………………… the new one and the old one.

10. There is a strange message on my computer ……………………….

11. These parcels ………………………… been delivered lately today, but we haven’t opened them yet.

12. That factory produces a lot of ………………………… waste.

13. Have you any idea how many animals are in danger of …………………………?

II. Underline the correct word(s) in bold.

1. Should/May I bring a friend to your party?

2. It was a shame that Andy can’t/couldn’t come yesterday, wasn’t it?

3. You need to/may study hard if you want to go to university.

4. I have to/might get up early because I live far from school.

5. Mark hasn’t come home yet, he must/should still be in town.

III. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

1. Did you see the match last night? – Yes, it was _______________ (exciting) game I’ve seen for ages.

2. Was the weather good when you were in Egypt? – Oh, it was much _______________ (bad) than usually in October, it was too hot.

3. It’s cheaper to go by coach than by train, isn’t it? – Yes, but _______________ (quick) way to get there is by plane.

4. Shall we go to the park or the beach today? - I’d prefer to go to the park, it’s much _________________ (tidy) than the beach.

5. It was freezing yesterday, wasn’t it? – Yes, I heard it was ___________________ (cold) day of the year so far.

IV. Rewrite the sentences into the correct passive tense.

1. We clean the pool once a week. ___________________________

2. Jane took the message. __________________________________

3. They are building a new road. _____________________________

4. Mr Smith will collect the tickets. ____________________________

5. Mary has read this book. __________________________________

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