Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 6 класс>> Bеtsеy's family

1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
young — молодой own — собственный to be interested in — интересоваться Christmas — Рождество a pastime — времяпрепровождение indoors — в помещении out of doors — на воздухе equipment — оборудование an expedition — экспедиция to be full of smth — быть наполненным чем-либо horse riding — верховая езда
— равнина Солсбери
Guess the meaning of the underlined words.
1. Archaeology tells people about the past. 2. My brother is a very interesting person . He knows a lot. 3. My friend can play the piano and the guitar .
2 Listen to the conversation and try to guess: What is Betsey's last name?

1. Bеtsеy's last namе is Lloyd. 2. Jamеs is Bеtsеy'S son. 3. Rosy has hеr оwn horsе. 4. Мark is thirtееn. 5. This wееk Jamеs is sleeping in his offiсе. 6. All thе family arе intеrеstеd in football. 7. Jamеs's favоuritе pastimе is horsе riding. 8. Pеople in Еngland сеlеbratе Сhristmas in Novembеr. 9. Salisbury Plain is a vеry intеrеsting plaсе. 10. Bеtsеy is Rob MaсWizard's mothеr. 11. Mark likеs to bе indoors.
Betsey's family
Robin:We want to meet your family. Betsey. Where are they? Betsey: Oh, let me tell you about them.
My husband James is a very busy man. He's the manager of a bank in London. Normally he comes home at eight o'clock and watches football or reads The Times. He usually plays tennis on Sundays. It's his favorite pastime. When the weather is bad he plays tennis indoors. At the moment there are a lot of problems at his bank and he has to work day and night. He has a small bed in his office, so he sleeps there.
Rosy, my daughter, is seventeen. She is very busy. She is going to finish school this year. She plays the guitar and she is the best goalkeeper in her school. We don't see her at home very often because her hobby is horse riding. She likes to be out of doors. At the moment Rosy is in London. She is helping her aunt in her shop. November and December are very busy months for the shops. It's Christmastime.
Mark is three years younger. He is interested in history and archaeology, and he is a good football player too. He often goes on archaeological expeditions and our house is full of his equipment. At the moment he is on Salisbury Plain. We're going to visit him there. It'll be very interesting for you.
And my youngest son is Rob... I'll tell you about him later.

goalkeeper — голкипер. Это слово состоит из двух слов: goal (ворота) и keeper (хранитель), дословно — хранитель ворот.
Answer the question: What's the Russian word for goalkeeper?
4 Complete the sentences with the correct information from the text.
1. ... likes to play football. 6. ... spends a lot of time out of doors. 2. At the moment Rosy is ... . 7. The house is full of ... because Mark 3. James is very busy, so he likes archaeology, sleeps .... 8. James works .... 4. James likes to read .... 9. ... is seventeen. 5. Rosy is interested in ... .
5 Match the person with his / her interests and say what they are interested in.
Model:Rosy is interested in books.

6 Here is some more information about Rosy, Mark and their father James Find the pairs of sentences which describe one person and put them together with because, but, arid. Change the pronouns into names. Найдите пары предложений, которые относятся к одному человеку и соедините их подходящими по смыслу союзами: because, but, and Замените местоимения именами.
1. Somebody plays the guitar very well. 2. Somebody always finds a lot of interesting things to do. 3. Somebody takes a lot of guitar classes. 4. Somebody likes to have dinner with his family. 5. Somebody goes to archaeology camps with his group in summer. 6. Somebody is very tired in the evenings.
7 Listen to the speaker and check your answers.
A These are the answers. Write the questions. Model: Rosy is seventeen. — How old is Rosy?
1. Rosy is going to finish school this year. 2. Rosy is interested in horse riding. 3. Her horse's name is Fire. 4. Yes, she is. And she is the best goalkeeper in her school. 5. She is in London. 6. She is helping her aunt. 7. Because it's Christmastime. 8. His name is Mark. 9. Mark is fourteen. 10. He is interested in history and archaeology. 11. He is on Salisbury Plain. 12. In summer Mark always goes to archaeology camps. 13. Yes, they will. It's a very interesting place. 14. Because Rob is lost in Russia.
В Be ready to tell the class about Betsey's children. Use the questions in Ex. A
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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