Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 8 класс>> Great Russian poets

Употребление прилагательных после глаголов to be, to sound[ to look, to taste, to feel, to smell
После глаголов to be, to sound (звучать), to look (выглядеть), to taste(иметь вкус), to feel (чувствовать), to smell (пахнуть) в английском языке употребляются прилагательные, а не наречия.
Сравните: Цветок пахнет странно, (наречие) - This flower smells strange, (при лагательное) Я чувствую себя плохо, (наречие) - I feel bad. (прилагательное) Ты выглядишь хорошо, (наречие) - You look good, (прилагательное) 1 Open the brackets and complete the sentences.
1. This water tastes really (strange / strangely). 2. I can't speak English very (good / well). 3. I'm feeling (happy / happily) today. 4. Yesterday your friend looked (awful / awfully). What's wrong'? 5. I haven't seen her yet, but we've spoken on the phone. She sounds (nice / nicely).
2 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.
the Silver Age — серебряный век the Golden Age — золотой век to be awarded smth - быть награжденным чем-либо a labour camp - трудовой лагерь для заключенных well educated — хорошо образованный upset — огорченный
 3 Listen to the conversation and mark these statements true or false.
1. Misha's mother loves the poets of the Silver Age. 2. Anna Akhmatova was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. 3. Marina Tsvetaeva is Misha's mother's favourite poet.
4 Read the conversation and answer the questions.
1. When was the Golden Age? What writers are its most famous representatives? 2. When was the Silver Age? What writers are its most famous representatives?

Misha: Hi, Mum. Mother: How are you doing? You sound upset. Misha: You're right. My English friends asked me about Russian writers and I couldn't remember many names. It's not very good, is it? Mother: Well, I'm not very proud of you. Russian literature is one of the greatest in the world. Nowadays you can get so many books that I couldn't read when I was a girl. Misha: What are you talking about, Mum? What couldn't you read when you were a girl? Mother: When I was born, we lived in the Soviet Union. A lot of books were banned. Misha: Did that happen in our country too? Mother: Oh, yes. People who read those books got into trouble if somebody saw them. But in the Eighties perestroika started and a lot of banned books were published. Then we had a chance to read so many interesting books and so much beautiful poetry. I fell in love with the Silver Age poets. Misha: What age? Mother: Let me tell you. When Pushkin, Lermontov and many other talented 19th century poets wrote their poems, it was the Golden Age of Russian literature. But there was also the Silver Age at the beginning of the 20th century. Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Block, Marina Tsvetaeva, Sergey Esenin, Nikolay Gumilyov, Osip Mandelshtam, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Boris Pasternak are the most famous poets of that time. Some of their works weren't known to Russian readers, although people all round the world knew and loved them. Boris Pasternak, for example, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Misha: But why were their books banned? What was wrong with them? Mother: There was nothing wrong with the books. The problem was with the writers and their ideas. They were brilliant, well educated and free-spirited. They loved Russia very much, but they didn't always like things that happened in their country. When they spoke openly about it, they got into trouble. Some of them died in labour camps, but their spirit was never broken. Misha: Did that make them famous? Mother: Oh, no! First of all, they were very talented poets, believe me. When I feel sad or need some advice, I open the books by Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva and find help and advice. They are my favourite poets. Misha: Thanks, Mum. That sounds good. I'm not sure that poetry is my cup of tea, but I'll try to read some.
5 Answer the questions.
1. How did Misha sound when he phoned his mum? 2. How did Misha's mother feel when he told her about his problem? 3. Why couldn't Misha's mother read a lot of interesting books when she was a girl? 4. What were the poets of the Silver Age like? 5. What was the life of the poets of the Silver Age like? 6. How do Tsvetaeva's and Akhmatova's poems help Misha's mother?
A Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective.
awful, good, great, boring, bad, happy
1. I can't eat this soup it smells .... 2. Why are you smiling? — I am .... 3. Try this pizza! You'll like it. It tastes .... 4. How are you feeling? — Very..., I'm afraid. 5. I don't want to watch this film. Kate told me about it and it sounds ....
В Write a short report. Use the questions for ideas.
1. Do you like Russian poetry? 2. Who is your favourite poet? 3. Why do you like him / her? 4. How do you feel when you read his / her poetry? 5. How does his / her poetry make you feel?
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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