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Союз while
Союз while переводится на русский язык в то время как.
Например: While I was having a bath, somebody turned the water off.— В то время как я принимал ванну, кто-то отключил воду. Our surprise party didn't take place. Mary was doing shopping while all her friends were waiting for her in her flat. — Наша вечеринка-сюрприз не состоялась. Мэри ходила по магазинам, в то время как все ее друзья ждали ее в ее квартире.
1 Misha and Rob came home ten minutes ago. Misha's mother is telling them the news. Listen, read and find the best translation for the underlined word.

а) голова b) глава с) директор
Mother: Hi. guys. How was your holiday? Misha: It was great. What's the matter, Mum? You look worried. Mother: While you were camping, I received a letter from Agent Cute. It's bad news, I am afraid. Rob: What happened? Mother: He had a secret note for Rob's family. On the way to Tunbridge Wells he met a woman. While he was talking to the woman, she stole the note. Rob: It's not a catastrophe. I'm sure they made a lot of copies of the note. Misha: Yes, you are right. But that's not all. While Rob's parents were on holiday, somebody robbed their house. How do you know? Mother: Yesterday when I was making dinner, the boss phoned. He said, "Then is a connection between the two cases.
The MacWizards are in dangei Rob must go back to England." Misha: I'll go with him. The MacWizards are my friends. Mother: But what about your school! Rob: He can go to my school! Mum knows our head! She'll help! Mother: OK. Misha is going with you, Rob. Rob: I am leaving on 1 September. Misha: Let's hurry! We have a lot to do.
2 Find the sentences with while. Write them in your exercise books. Translate them.
3 Choose the right answer. More than one answer can be right. You can use information from the text and your imagination.
1. Mother is worried because
a) she received a letter from Cute. b) Misha and Rob were camping. c) the MacWizards are in danger.
2. Mother knows the news
a) from the police. b) from the boss. c) from Agent Cute.
3. Misha wants to go to England because
a) the MacWizards are his friends. b) he wants to find the treasure. c) he wants to study at an English school.
4. When mother says, "We have a lot to do," she means
a) Misha needs a visa and a ticket. b) Misha and Rob must buy tickets. c) Misha and Rob must pack their things.

4 Listen and read.
an application form — анкета-заявление to apply for something — обратиться с заявлением за чем-то a full name — полное имя a family name — фамилия marital status - семейное положение sex — пол male — лицо мужского пола female — лицо женского пола recent ['ri:snt] — недавний to attach — прикреплять, прилагать an embassy — посольство appropriate — соответствующий a correspondence address - адрес, по которому можно связаться с заявителем 5 Misha needs a visa to England. He is filling in the application form. Read and say:
1. What does Misha have to take to the embassy if he wants to get a visa? 2. What type of visa does Misha need? 3. How many photos does Misha need? 4. How long can Misha stay in England? 5. When is Misha going to fly to England? 6. When is Misha going to leave England? 7. Does Misha need his mother's or his father's photos? 8. What is Rob's address? 9. What is Misha's mother's full name?

A This is a new e-maii from Agent Cute. He made a lot of mistakes again Translate the letter into English.
Вчера, когда я приходил в офис, босс был разговаривающий на телефон. Я слышал что-то. Босс был разговаривающий с полиция. Что-то есть происходит. Босс не рассказывает мне. Он есть сердитый. Вчера в семь вечера я был наблюдающий за босс. Он был искающий какой-то документ. Если порезать длинную историю коротко, вы должны быть в Англии через три дня. Спешить!
Агент Кьют
B Tгy to fill in the appliсation form in fhe Workbook.
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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