Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 8 класс>> No news is good news
 How to build words
Слова могут быть образованы с помощью суффиксов и префиксов. Префиксы изменяют значение слова, но не меняют его принадлежности к той или иной части речи, например: national —international
Суффиксы служат для образования различных частей речи. Использование того или иного суффикса или префикса не всегда подчиняется определенным правилам и чаще зависит от установившегося словоупотребления в языке, например: to govern — governor — government.
Префиксы с отрицательным значением: ип-, in-, il-, im~, ir-, dis-, mis-
happy — счастливый
logical — логичный to like smth — любить что-то to date — датировать
unhappy — несчастливый
illogical — нелогичный to dislike smth — не любить что-то to misdate — неправильно датировать
1 Какое из слов в строке лишнее?
a) unimportant, unfriendly, understand b) unkind, united, uncool c) disloyal, disagree, disco d) important, immortal, imagine e) information, informal, incorrect, irregular f) misspell, misunderstand, mist
2 От каких слов образованы эти слова? Use а dictionary if necessary.
Dishonest, unlucky, unreal, incorrect, disconnect, informal, impossible, impatient.
3 Match the phrases with their translations. There are seven phrases but only six translations. Which two phrases have a similar meaning?
a) Fortunately ... b) I'm afraid... c) The good (bad) news is... d) Fm glad to tell you... e) Luckily... f) I am sorry, but... g) I have some bad (good) news for you...
1. Боюсь, что... 2. Мне жаль, но... 3. Хорошая (плохая) новость, что... 4. К счастью... 5. Рад вам сообщить... 6. У меня плохие (хорошие) новости для вас...
Translate the sayings: "No news is good news." "Bad news travels fast." -¦og* s'mi эг sayings do you know in Russian?
Обратите внимание: существительное news {новость, новости) является неисчисляемым и употребляется с глаголами в форме единственного числа. Например:
Yesterday there was still no news about their son. — Вчера все еще не было новостей об их сыне.
4 Choose the correct words in brackets and read Masha's reply. Did Masha have good or bad news?
Flat 11,10 Lipovaya St Lukinsk 435030, Russia 25 January
Dear Misha,
Thank you for your letter. (I'm glad / The bad news is) that you like your new school. That's the most important thing. (I'm afraid / Luckily) you'll have to forget about the treasure. If you don't give up this idea, you can put your life in Дащег again. Have fun with your new friends and don't think about it any more. I have some (bad / good) news for you. Granny fell off her chair and broke her arm. (Luckily, / Unluckily,) she wasn't alone at home when it happened. She's OK now, but (fortunately, / unfortunately,) she can't write to you. She sends her love and will phone you soon.
Write soon!
Best wishes, Masha
Conversation bricks
Этот раздел будет знакомить вас с разговорными клише. Разговорные клише — это слова-связки или фразы, помогающие вести беседу. В родном языке мы употребляем их практически не задумываясь. Например, "Между прочим", "Сейчас вспомню", "Дайте подумать...", "Я не уверен, но...". В английском языке тоже есть множество подобных слов и фраз. В данном разделе вы найдете выражения, которые позволят завязать разговор, изложить свою точку зрения, поинтересоваться мнением собеседника, вежливо его перебить или сменить тему, вступить в дискуссию, узнать нужную информацию и многое другое.
5 Listen to the expressions. What do they mean?
a) sympathy (сочувствие) b) surprise c) agreement d) interest e) joy

6 Listen to the expressions again and repeat them after the speaker.
7 Look at the expressions and say: How do people react to good / bad news?
Reaction to good news
| Reaction to bad news
8 Match the news with the reaction to it.
1. I've had a letter from my best friend. 2. My sister has found a good job. 3. My dog has died. 4. His name is Alex, isn't it? 5. The weather is going to be bad this weekend. 6. I've won a lot of money m a lottery. 7. My mother has promised to give me a dog for my birthday.
| a) What a pity! b) Really? Tell me! c) That's great! d) That's awful! e) Good for you! f) That's good news. g) Right.
9 Complete the reactions to good or bad news.
1. ... awful! 2. I have ... good news for you. 3. No news ... good news, ... it? 4. Bad news ... fast. 5. ... to hear it! 6. ...? Tell me! 7. What a...!
10 Why are the people in the pictures happy or sad?
Model: Fred is sad because his friend can't help him with his homework this weekend.

11 Look at the pictures of Ex. 10 again. Act out the dialogues. Take turns to tell each other the news and react to it.
Model: A: I've just got a message from my friend. He can't help me with my homework this weekend. B: What a pity! 12 In pairs. One of you is A and the other is B. Information for A is on page 1 9, information for В is on page 21.
Make short dialogues. Use phrases from the Conversation bricks.
 1. You haven't seen your friend for a long time. Find out how he / she is getting on. 2. Your friend is sad. Ask what is wrong. React to the news and offer your help. 3. You've met an old friend and want to know how his family are getting on. React to the news.
A You've received a letter from an old friend who lives very far away from you. a) Read the letter.
Flat 45,177 Kirov St 248000 Kaluga 5 August
How are you getting on? I haven't heard from you for ages. Where have you been? I'm fine. At the moment I'm at home. I need some rest after my summer adventures. They were very exciting. In June we went camping in the forest in Karelia. Fortunately the weather was great. There are a lot of beautiful lakes there too. Next year we'll probably go there again. Do you want to come with us? In July I went to see my granny. She lives in a nice little village near Kaluga. My friends and I had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, their life isn't easy. A lot of people in the village have lost their jobs and they don't have much money. I'm spending August at home because I have to get ready for school. This year is going to be very important for me. The good news is that Helen, who is good at all school subjects, promised to help me. Do you remember her? I miss you a lot. How are you? How's your little brother? Say hello to your mum and dad too. I hope they're fine.
Write soon!
Вest wishes, Your friend
b) Write a reply. Use these questions as a plan.
Start your letter
1. Have you had any letters from him / her? 2. Have you forgotten to write? Why?
Give news and information
1. Are you OK? 2. Has anything new happened in your life? 3. Is there any news about your family and friends?
Ask for the news and information
1. How is your friend? 2. How are his / her friends and family?
Close your letter
1 Why do you have to stop? 2 When will you write again?
В Agent Cute wrote a secret letter to Misha and Rob. It's in Russian, that's why only Misha can read it. There are some mistakes in the letter.

Translate the letter into English for Rob.
Дорогой Миша и Роб,
Это есть Агент Кьют. я пишу из Красной улицы дом 10. Сегодня есть 25 январь, я есть о к, но я все время думать о вас. У вас есть новость? Вы имеете найти книгу? Я к вам буду ехать, когда вы нуждаетесь моя помощь. Несчастливо, Босс есть злой со мной, но это не есть правда, я иметь сделать ошибку, я ее буду исправить. У меня нет новости. Я боюсь, я должен остановиться сейчас. Пришла мама. Мы будем ужинать. Я смотрю вперед слышать от вас. Пишите скоро! Давайте держать прикосновение.
Лучшие желания, Кьют
С С помощью каких префиксов образованы эти слова? Translate them into Russian.
mispronounce, disconnect, irregular, unusual, impossible, unfair, misprint, uncomfortable, indirect, misplace, impatient

1. You've met an old friend. You have great news. Someone has just invited you to a birthday party. If your friend asks, tell him / her that this is the party of the cleverest boy (girl) in your class. 2. You've met a friend. You are upset because somebody has stolen your bicycle. 3. You've met a friend. He / She asks you about your family. You have bad news. Your grandfather is ill.
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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