Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 9 класс>> Sequence of tenses. Grammar Sequence of tenses

Согласование времен в английском языке / Sequence of tenses Согласование времен — это зависимость времени глагола придаточного предложения от времени глагола главного предложения. Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени — то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения (в основном изъяснительного) тоже стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени.
She asked what he was doing in her room. — Она спросила, что он делает в ее комнате. Не said that he knew my friend. — Он сказал, что он знает моего друга.
• Если действие придаточного предложения происходит одновременно с действием главного, то глагол придаточного предложения употребляется в Past Simple или Past Progressive. Не said that they played football on Sundays. — Он сказал, что они играют в футбол по воскресеньям. She said that he was reading a newspaper. — Она сказала, что он читает газету. • Если действие придаточного предложения предшествует действию главного, то глагол придаточного предложения употребляется в Past Perfect. Не said that Тот had phoned the day before. — Он сказал, что Том звонил вчера / накануне. • Если действие придаточного предложения является будущим по отношению к действию главного предложения, то глагол придаточного предложения употребляется в форме Future-in-the Past (см. Грамматический справочник). Не said that he would help him. — Он сказал, что поможет ему.
Таблица изменений формы глаголов при переводе прямой речи в косвенную
Прямая речь / Direct speech
| Косвенная речь / Reported speech
Present Simple My friend said, "I want to go to England."
| Past Simple My friend said that he wanted to go to England.
Present Progressive He said, "She is playing tennis now."
| Past Progressive He said that she was playing tennis then.
Present Perfect He said, "You haven't told us the truth."
| Past Perfect He said that she hadn't told them the truth.
Present Perfect Progressive She said, "I have been working all morning."
| Past Perfect Progressive She said that she had been working all morning.
Past Simple He said, "Tom phoned yesterday."
| Past Perfect He said that Tom had phoned the day before.
Future Simple He said, "It will rain tomorrow."
| Future-in-the Past He said that it would rain the next day.
Past Progressive He said, "She was watering the flowers."
| Past Progressive He said that she was watering the flowers.
Past Perfect He said, "She had painted the wall."
| Past Perfect He said that she had painted the wall.
Таблица изменений указательных местоимений и наречий при переводе прямой речи в косвенную
Прямая речь
| Косвенная речь
now (сейчас)
| then (тогда)
here (здесь)
| there (там)
this, these (это, этот, эти)
| that / those (то, тот, те)
today (сегодня)
| that day (в этот день)
tomorrow (завтра)
| the next day (the following day) (на следующий день)
yesterday (вчера)
| the day before
next week / year (на следующей неделе / в следующем году)
| the following week / year (на следующей неделе / в следующем году)
last week (на прошлой неделе)
| the week before (за неделю до)
She said, "I saw him yesterday."— Она сказала: "Я видела его вчера". She said that she had seen him the day before. — Она сказала, что она видела его накануне.
В русском языке нет правила согласования времен, поэтому при переводе на русский язык в придаточном предложении глагол может оставаться в той форме, в которой он стоял в прямой речи.
Не said, "I know Mary."— Он сказал: "Я знаю Мэри". Не said that he knew Mary. — Он сказал, что он знает Мэри. Не said, "I knew Mary."— Он сказал: "Я знал Мэри". Не said that he had known Mary. — Он сказал, что он знал Мэри когда-то. She said, "They are having dinner."— Она сказала: "Они обедают". She said that they were having dinner. — Она сказала, что они обедают.
1 Match the sentences in direct speech with reported speech.
1. "They were playing football at 5 o'clock last week." 2. "I'll try to phone you tomorrow." 3. "Yesterday it was very cold." 4. "I had written a letter before you phoned me." 5. "Have you been to St Petersburg?" 6. "Have you been crying?" 7. "It's raining again!" 8. "I often watch TV in the evening." 9. "What is she doing now?" 10. "Come home by 11 p.m." 11. "Don't lend money to strangers, Anna."
a) He said that he would try to phone me the next day. b) He said that he often watched TV in the evening. c) He said that they were playing football at 5 o'clock the week before. d) He said that it was raining again. e) He asked what she was doing then. f) He said that he had written a letter before I phoned him. g) The mother told her daughter to come home by 11 p.m. h) He asked me if I had been to St Petersburg before. i) She advised Anna not to lend money to strangers, j) He asked me if I had been crying. k) He said that it had been very cold the day before.
2 Write the missing form on condition that the verb introducing direct speech is in the Past Simple. Напишите недостающую глагольную форму при условии , что глагол, вводящий косвенную речь, стоит в Past Simple.
Direct speech
| Reported speech
didn't see
| hadn't seen
Direct speech
| Reported speech
| would become
will buy
| had broken
am thinking
| forgot
| had fallen
has been working
| had been walking
is raining
| had been
Direct speech
| Reported speech
| had been doing
| had made
doesn't read
hasn't brought
| thought
won't drive
| could
didn't give
| had to
were running
3 Change the sentences into reported speech.
Model:He asked, "Where does Tom live?" — He asked where Tom lived.
1. "Where did you find it?" 6. "When will they meet?" 2. "How will they get there?" 7. "Does he play golf?" 3. "He didn't know the truth." 8. "Why did they come?" 4. "Will she come tomorrow?" 9. "How long have you been waiting?' 5. "What were they doing?" 10. "Did she see him?"
4 Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He asked me if I had been in the new theatre. 2. He said that he was in the theatre at the moment. 3. She told me that she didn't like dresses. 4. She told me that her mother hadn't liked dresses. 5. We were told that she was ill.
6. She said that she was cleaning her room. 7. Lena thought that she would be back early. 8. They told me that they had been watching a film since four o'clock. 9. They told me that they were watching a film. 10. They were asked where they lived. 11. She didn't know why he had left.
5 Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Она спросила, где они были вчера. 2. Он сказал нам, что уже видел этот фильм. 3. Он обещал ей, что позвонит на следующей неделе. 4. Она попросила меня написать письмо ее брату. 5. Она не советовала мне приглашать его на день рождения. 6. Их спросили, знают ли они этого писателя. 7. Мы не знали, когда она приедет.
А Yesterday Emily's aunt, Alice, came back from holiday in Australia and met her relatives and friends. Here's what they said when they saw her. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
Model:Sally: I like your new blouse. Sally said that she liked Alice's new blouse.

В Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. She didn't know where he was. 2. Andrew asked Wendy if she had heard the news. 3. We were glad that they were coming. 4. She told them not to phone her brother. 5. She asked why the girl was crying. 6. She couldn't remember what she had done the day before. 7. She asked the shop assistant if that dress was in fashion.
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 9 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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