Where does the Russian language come from?
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ehjr 6<br><br>A language quiz&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>1 Choose the correct answer.<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which is the language most spoken in the world? <br>a) Chinese b) English c) Russian<br><br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How many people speak English as their first language?<br>a) about 375 million b) over 200 million c) a billion and a half<br><br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which of these languages has the most words? <br>a) Russian b) French c) English<br><br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which language is most like English? <br>a) German b) Latin c) Irish<br><br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which language is most like Russian? <br>a) Polish b) Ukrainian c) Moldavian<br><br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How many words do people really use for their everyday communication?<br>a) about 10,000 b) about 3,000 c) about 200<br><br>7.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How many languages are there in the world? <br>a) 6,800 b) more than 10,000 c) over 1,000<br>&nbsp;<br>8.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which language is the youngest of the three? <br>a) Scottish b) English c) Latin<br><br>2&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Think about the Russian language. What do you think: Did any other languages contribute to it? If yes, which ones?<br><br>3&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Misha's classmates want to know more about the history of the Russian language. Their teacher is telling them about it. Read the information and check your answers to Ex. 2.<br><br>rfhn<br><br>In about the 6th century AD Slav tribes migrated west to the river Elbe and to the south into the Balkans. By the 10th century there were three Slavonic language groups: Western, Southern and Eastern. Russian, together with Ukrainian and Belorussian, comes from the Eastern Slavonic language group.<br>In the 12th century the Mongols came. You may think that Mongol invader: who stayed in Russia changed the language forever, but it isn't true. Th&lt; Russian language didn't change much and stayed Slavic.<br>All Slavonic languages are still similar and people who speak them cai understand each other. <br><br>4&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian has borrowed some words from other languages. In everyday life we use Turkish, German, French, Dutch, Greek and English words. Match the facts with the explanations.<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some Turkish words<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some Greek words<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some German words<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some Dutch words<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some French words<br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some English words<br><br>a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;more than two thousand years ago when Russia became a Christian country.<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;in&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;the 11th and 12th centuries. They were military and trade words.<br>c)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;at the time of Peter the Great, who invited a lot of foreigners to Russia. He followed those people's advice about the military, medicine, food.<br>d)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;in&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;the 19th and 20th centuries. They were words for sports and politics.<br>e)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;at the time of Peter the Great, who invited a lot of foreigners to Russia. From these people he learned to build ships.<br>f)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;in the 19th century when this language was the language of the aristocracy, the arts and philosophy.<br><br>rfhn<br><br>5&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Match the groups of Russian words with the languages from which they came.<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;рейд, вымпел, рупор, яхта, шлюпка, шлюз, фрегат, крейсер, штурман, матрос, юнга, верфь, каюта, люк<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;алтарь, архангел, патриарх, идол, сатана, канон, Евангелие<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;галстук, китель, футляр, штопор, крендель, пудель, картофель, кухня, лазарет, бинт, шрам, солдат, офицер, лагерь, плац, фланг, штурм<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;тулуп, сарафан, башмак, каблук, чулок, войлок, амбар, сарай, балаган, чулан, очаг, лачуга, шалаш, таз, утюг, тюфяк, колчан, капкан, лошадь, табун, деньги, аршин, товар, караул, богатырь, карандаш, туман, сундук, карман, чугун<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;костюм, жилет, пальто, мебель, кабинет, салон, буфет, суп, бульон, компот, котлета, сюжет, жанр, эскиз, актер<br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;рельс, тоннель, экспресс, трамвай, трактор, клуб, комбайн, теннис, спорт, рекорд, старт, финиш, лидер, бифштекс, пудинг, пикник, веранда, сквер <br><br>6 Read three myths about Russian. A lot of people believe these myths; that's why they don't want to learn Russian. <br><br>&nbsp;rfhn<br><br><br>&nbsp; <br>7&nbsp; табл<br><br>&nbsp; <br>8 What do you think about those myths? Do you believe them? Try to think of some facts to change popular opinion. Don't forget to use the phrases from the Conversation bricks.<br><br>Homework<br><br>A Listen to the conversation and say:<br><br>Have the friends found the book?<br><br>карт Read the conversation and answer the questions.<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;What did Emily do when her computer broke down?<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;What did Emily do when she didn't find her book?<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Does Misha believe that Emily can explain everything?<br><br>Misha: So what happened yesterday? Did you go to Emily's room?<br>Mark: Yes, and look what we found!<br>Misha: It's your family history book. Where did you find it?<br>Rob: It was in Emily's room. When her computer broke down, she<br>was working on the book. She was so upset that she forgot about everything and ran to Andrew for help. She forgot to hide the bool and lock the door.<br>Misha: So it's Emily. I still don't believe it. We must talk to her about it. I'm sure she'll explain everything.<br>Mark: I'm afraid you won't be able to talk to her. Misha: What do you mean? Mark: She's gone. You won't find her anywhere. Misha: But why?<br>Mark: I think she came back to her room, didn't find her book and understood everything. She got scared and ran away. <br>Rob: But before she left she had done a very good thing — she had translated the second part of our story.<br><br><br><br><br>
[[Image:18-10-16.jpg|460px|Where does the Russian language come from]]<br><u><br></u>'''A language quiz&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>'''1 Choose the correct answer.'''
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which is the language most spoken in the world? <br>a) Chinese
''К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.''
b) [[English_school|English]]
<br> <sub>Школьная библиотека [[Гипермаркет знаний - первый в мире!|онлайн]], учебники и книги по всему предметам, Английский язык 8 класс [[Английский язык|скачать]]</sub>  
c) Russian<br><br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How many people speak English as their first language?<br>a) about 375 million
b) over 200 million
c) a billion and a half<br><br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which of these languages has the most words? <br>a) Russian
b) French
c) English<br><br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which language is most like English? <br>a) German
b) Latin
c) Irish<br><br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which language is most like Russian? <br>a) Polish b) Ukrainian c) Moldavian<br><br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How many words do people really use for their everyday communication?<br>a) about 10,000
b) about 3,000
c) about 200<br><br>7.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How many languages are there in the [[Water_World_Story|world]]? <br>a) 6,800
b) more than 10,000
c) over 1,000<br>&nbsp;<br>8.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Which language is the youngest of the three? <br>a) Scottish
b) English
c) Latin<br><br>'''2&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Think about the Russian language. What do you think: Did any other languages contribute to it? If yes, which ones?<br><br>3&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Misha's classmates want to know more about the history of the Russian language. Their teacher is telling them about it. Read the information and check your answers to Ex. 2.'''<br><br>[[Image:18-10-17.jpg|300px|Where does the Russian language come from]]<br><br>In about the 6th century AD Slav tribes migrated west to the river Elbe and to the south into the Balkans. By the 10th century there were three Slavonic [[Fun_with_language|language]] groups: Western, Southern and Eastern. Russian, together with Ukrainian and Belorussian, comes from the Eastern Slavonic language group.<br>In the 12th century the Mongols came. You may think that Mongol invader: who stayed in Russia changed the language forever, but it isn't true. Th&lt; Russian language didn't change much and stayed Slavic.<br>All Slavonic languages are still similar and people who speak them cai understand each other. <br><br>'''4&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian has borrowed some words from other languages. In everyday life we use Turkish, German, French, Dutch, Greek and English words. Match the facts with the explanations.'''
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some Turkish words<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some Greek [[Word_Perfect|words]]<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some German words<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some Dutch words<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some French words<br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian borrowed some English words<br><br>a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;more than two thousand years ago when Russia became a Christian country.<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;in&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;the 11th and 12th centuries. They were military and trade words.<br>c)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;at the time of Peter the Great, who invited a lot of foreigners to Russia. He followed those people's advice about the military, medicine, food.<br>d)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;in&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;the 19th and 20th centuries. They were words for sports and politics.<br>e)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;at the time of Peter the Great, who invited a lot of foreigners to Russia. From these people he learned to build ships.<br>f)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;in the 19th century when this language was the language of the aristocracy, the arts and philosophy.<br><br>[[Image:18-10-18.jpg|флаги]]<br>'''<br>5&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Match the groups of Russian words with the languages from which they came.'''
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;рейд, вымпел, рупор, яхта, шлюпка, шлюз, фрегат, крейсер, штурман, матрос, юнга, верфь, каюта, люк<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;алтарь, архангел, патриарх, идол, сатана, канон, Евангелие<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;галстук, китель, футляр, штопор, крендель, пудель, картофель, кухня, лазарет, бинт, шрам, солдат, офицер, лагерь, плац, фланг, штурм<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;тулуп, сарафан, башмак, каблук, чулок, войлок, амбар, сарай, балаган, чулан, очаг, лачуга, шалаш, таз, утюг, тюфяк, колчан, капкан, лошадь, табун, [[Деньги|деньги]], аршин, товар, караул, богатырь, карандаш, туман, сундук, карман, чугун<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;костюм, жилет, пальто, мебель, кабинет, салон, буфет, суп, бульон, компот, котлета, сюжет, жанр, эскиз, актер<br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;рельс, тоннель, экспресс, трамвай, трактор, клуб, комбайн, теннис, спорт, рекорд, старт, финиш, лидер, бифштекс, пудинг, пикник, веранда, сквер <br><br>'''6 Read three myths about [[Great_Russian_poets|Russian]]. A lot of people believe these myths; that's why they don't want to learn Russian. '''<br>[[Image:18-10-19.jpg|460px|Where does the Russian language come from]]<br>
[[Image:18-10-20.jpg|460px|Where does the Russian language come from]]<br><br>'''8 What do you think about those myths? Do you believe them? Try to think of some facts to change popular opinion. Don't forget to use the phrases from the Conversation bricks.<br><br>Homework<br><br>A Listen to the conversation and say:'''
'''Have the friends found the book?'''<br><br>[[Image:2-10-38.jpg]] '''Read the conversation and answer the questions.'''
''1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;What did Emily do when her computer broke down?<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;What did Emily do when she didn't find her book?<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Does Misha believe that Emily can explain everything?''<br><br>'''Misha:''' So what happened yesterday? Did you go to Emily's [[Rooms|room]]?<br>'''Mark''': Yes, and look what we found!<br>'''Misha:''' It's your family history book. Where did you find it?<br>'''Rob:''' It was in Emily's room. When her computer broke down, she was working on the book. She was so upset that she forgot about everything and ran to Andrew for help. She forgot to hide the bool and lock the door.<br>'''Misha:''' So it's Emily. I still don't believe it. We must talk to her about it. I'm sure she'll explain everything.<br>'''Mark''': I'm afraid you won't be able to talk to her. Misha: What do you mean? Mark: She's gone. You won't find her anywhere. Misha: But why?<br>'''Mark''': I think she came back to her room, didn't find her book and understood everything. She got scared and ran away. <br>'''Rob:''' But before she left she had done a very good thing — she had translated the second part of our story.<br><br><br>  
''К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман [[Английский_язык|Английский язык]]: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.''
<br> <sub>Школьная библиотека [[Гипермаркет знаний - первый в мире!|онлайн]], учебники и книги по всему предметам, Английский язык 8 класс [[Английский язык|скачать]]</sub><br>
  '''<u>Содержание урока</u>'''
  '''<u>Содержание урока</u>'''

Текущая версия на 11:46, 19 сентября 2012

Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 8 класс>> Where does the Russian language come from

Where does the Russian language come from

A language quiz            
1 Choose the correct answer.

1.    Which is the language most spoken in the world?
a) Chinese

b) English

c) Russian

2.    How many people speak English as their first language?
a) about 375 million

b) over 200 million

c) a billion and a half

3.    Which of these languages has the most words?
a) Russian

b) French

c) English

4.    Which language is most like English?
a) German

b) Latin

c) Irish

5.    Which language is most like Russian?
a) Polish b) Ukrainian c) Moldavian

6.    How many words do people really use for their everyday communication?
a) about 10,000

b) about 3,000

c) about 200

7.    How many languages are there in the world?
a) 6,800

b) more than 10,000

c) over 1,000
8.    Which language is the youngest of the three?
a) Scottish

b) English

c) Latin

2    Think about the Russian language. What do you think: Did any other languages contribute to it? If yes, which ones?

3    Misha's classmates want to know more about the history of the Russian language. Their teacher is telling them about it. Read the information and check your answers to Ex. 2.

Where does the Russian language come from

In about the 6th century AD Slav tribes migrated west to the river Elbe and to the south into the Balkans. By the 10th century there were three Slavonic language groups: Western, Southern and Eastern. Russian, together with Ukrainian and Belorussian, comes from the Eastern Slavonic language group.
In the 12th century the Mongols came. You may think that Mongol invader: who stayed in Russia changed the language forever, but it isn't true. Th< Russian language didn't change much and stayed Slavic.
All Slavonic languages are still similar and people who speak them cai understand each other.

4    Russian has borrowed some words from other languages. In everyday life we use Turkish, German, French, Dutch, Greek and English words. Match the facts with the explanations.

1.    Russian borrowed some Turkish words
2.    Russian borrowed some Greek words
3.    Russian borrowed some German words
4.    Russian borrowed some Dutch words
5.    Russian borrowed some French words
6.    Russian borrowed some English words

a)    more than two thousand years ago when Russia became a Christian country.
b)    in    the 11th and 12th centuries. They were military and trade words.
c)    at the time of Peter the Great, who invited a lot of foreigners to Russia. He followed those people's advice about the military, medicine, food.
d)    in    the 19th and 20th centuries. They were words for sports and politics.
e)    at the time of Peter the Great, who invited a lot of foreigners to Russia. From these people he learned to build ships.
f)    in the 19th century when this language was the language of the aristocracy, the arts and philosophy.


5    Match the groups of Russian words with the languages from which they came.

1.    рейд, вымпел, рупор, яхта, шлюпка, шлюз, фрегат, крейсер, штурман, матрос, юнга, верфь, каюта, люк
2.    алтарь, архангел, патриарх, идол, сатана, канон, Евангелие
3.    галстук, китель, футляр, штопор, крендель, пудель, картофель, кухня, лазарет, бинт, шрам, солдат, офицер, лагерь, плац, фланг, штурм
4.    тулуп, сарафан, башмак, каблук, чулок, войлок, амбар, сарай, балаган, чулан, очаг, лачуга, шалаш, таз, утюг, тюфяк, колчан, капкан, лошадь, табун, деньги, аршин, товар, караул, богатырь, карандаш, туман, сундук, карман, чугун
5.    костюм, жилет, пальто, мебель, кабинет, салон, буфет, суп, бульон, компот, котлета, сюжет, жанр, эскиз, актер
6.    рельс, тоннель, экспресс, трамвай, трактор, клуб, комбайн, теннис, спорт, рекорд, старт, финиш, лидер, бифштекс, пудинг, пикник, веранда, сквер

6 Read three myths about Russian. A lot of people believe these myths; that's why they don't want to learn Russian.
Where does the Russian language come from

Where does the Russian language come from

8 What do you think about those myths? Do you believe them? Try to think of some facts to change popular opinion. Don't forget to use the phrases from the Conversation bricks.


A Listen to the conversation and say:

Have the friends found the book?

2-10-38.jpg Read the conversation and answer the questions.

1.    What did Emily do when her computer broke down?
2.    What did Emily do when she didn't find her book?
3.    Does Misha believe that Emily can explain everything?

Misha: So what happened yesterday? Did you go to Emily's room?
Mark: Yes, and look what we found!
Misha: It's your family history book. Where did you find it?
Rob: It was in Emily's room. When her computer broke down, she was working on the book. She was so upset that she forgot about everything and ran to Andrew for help. She forgot to hide the bool and lock the door.
Misha: So it's Emily. I still don't believe it. We must talk to her about it. I'm sure she'll explain everything.
Mark: I'm afraid you won't be able to talk to her. Misha: What do you mean? Mark: She's gone. You won't find her anywhere. Misha: But why?
Mark: I think she came back to her room, didn't find her book and understood everything. She got scared and ran away.
Rob: But before she left she had done a very good thing — she had translated the second part of our story.

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

Школьная библиотека онлайн, учебники и книги по всему предметам, Английский язык 8 класс скачать

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