Знайомство із новою лексикою по темі „Професії”. Аудіювання та читання діалогу.

Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки>>Англійська мова: Знайомство із новою лексикою по темі „Професії”. Аудіювання та читання діалогу. Повні уроки


Мета уроку

1. Ознайомитися з новою лексикою по темі "Професії".

2. Вдосконалити навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення.

Хід уроку


Hello, pupils! I'm very glad to see you. Today we are going to discuss a very interesting topic - Professions. Let's start our lesson.

Вивчення нового лексичного матеріалу

Now we will get acquainted with some new words!


Teacher - вчитель - passes knowledge to students, usually at school.

Translator - перекладач -translates from one language to another.

Actor/Actress - актор актриса - acts in a play or a movie.

Writer - письменник - writes books or novels.

Baker - пекар - makes bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.

Bus driver - водій автобуса - drives buses.

Cook - повар - prepares food for others, often in a restaurant or café.

Doctor - лікар - you go to see him when you are ill or have some type of health problem.

Factory worker - працівник завода - works in a factory.

Fireman - пожежник - puts out fires.

Painter - художник - paints pictures.

Photographer - фотограф - takes photos.

Pilot - пілот - flies a plane.

Postman - поштар - delivers mail to your house.

Виконання вправ

Вправа 1 Choose the right answer for the questions.

Salary overtime an applicant staff voluntary work application form

1. The amount of money you get for the job?

2. The form you need to fill to apply for job?

3. A person who applies for a job?

4. The kind of work you do for charity and don't get money for it?

5. The people who work in the company?

6. If you work more than you should you work...?

Вправа 2 Guess the words! The pictures will help you.



















Вправа 3. Put the sentences in the proper order and read the dialog.

The pupil of the 11th form talks with Miss Dale, a career officer who will help him to choose the right profession for the future.


What do you want to do when you leave school?

What will you study at university?

Good morning, Miss Dale.

Well, I'm good at Languages, so I think I will study English and Spanish.

Good morning, Henry.

Yes, Miss Dale. I'd like to enter the university.

I see. Languages are very interesting but you should learn some other subjects to.

Why, Miss Dale?

It will be easier for you to find a good job if you know more than one discipline. For example, English and Economics, or Spanish and Marketing.

Oh, it's a good idea. Thank you, Miss Dale!


The newspaper boy

Jimmy is twelve years old and he studies in the seventh form. He has a part time job and that is why he gets up every morning at five o'clock. He is a newspaper boy. Every morning Jimmy takes newspapers and leaves home at 5:20.

Jimmy must deliver the newspapers to people every day even if it is raining or snowing. The customers are very kind to him and sometimes give nice tips.

Jimmy earns about 50$ every month. He buys ice-cream, chocolate, books and also saves the money for the college. Jimmy is going to be the best newspaper boy and wants to get a new bicycle for his good job

Now answer the questions:

1. How old is Jimmy? Does he work?

2. Why does he sell newspapers?

3. How much does Jimmy earn?

4. How does he spend his money?

5. When does Jimmy leave home? Does he get up late?

6. How can Jimmy get a new bicycle? 


Are the sentences true or false?

1. Jimmy studies in the 8th form and he is eleven years old.

2. Jimmy sells newspapers in the park.

3. Jimmy gets up at 5 o’clock and leaves home at 5.20.

4. Jimmy earns about 55$ a month.

5. Sometimes Jimmy gets tips for a good work.

6. Jimmy wants to buy a bicycle next year.

7. Jimmy saves money for the college and likes to buy books.


Now some interesting activities! Try to find as many professions as you can among these letters.




Here is the crossword. Read the hints and fill the blocks with correct answers.



6. Now we will watch the video and listen to the song where many, many professions are mentioned. Let's do some contest - try to name as many professions from this video as you can. The winner will get a high mark! Listen attentively, you will also see some hints.

Now let's see the text of this song and highlight the words and word-combinations which are related to some professions.

She hosts a T.V. show-she rides the rodeo

She plays the bass in a band
She's an astronaut-
a valet at the parking lot
A farmer working the land
She is a champion-she gets the gold
She's a ballerina-the star of the show

She's-not-just a pretty face
She's-got-everything it takes
She has a fashion line-
ajournalist for "Time"
Coaches a football team
She's a geologist-a romance novelist
She is a mother of three
She is a soldier-she is a wife
She is a surgeon-she'll save your life

She's-not-just a pretty face
She's-got-everything it takes
She's-mother-of the human race
She's-not-just a pretty face

She is your waitress-she is your judge-
she is your teacher
She is every woman in the world

She flies an airplane-
she drives a subway train
At night she pumps gasoline
She's on the council-she's on the board
She's a politician-she praises the Lord

Кінець уроку

The lesson is over. Thank you, I hope you enjoyed it! Goodbye.


Домашнє завдання

Your homework is:

 1. To learn the names of professions.
 2. Ask your parents about their professions and tell us about them. You can use the new words in your story.

Список використаних джерел:

1. М.В. Павлова, Г.А. Дудкина "English for businessmen"
2. Открытый урок
английского языка"Мир профессий". Лебедева А.Г.
3. Урок на тему "Professions". Маркович Т.А.
4. "Jobs,
Careersand Occupations" by Paul D. Gutiérrez Covey
5. "
Professionsand occupations" by Elizabeth Perez

Скомпоновано та відредактовано Медведєвою Ксенією

Над уроком працювали

Лебедева А.

Любименко В.

Мєдвєдєва К.

Perez E.

Paul D. Gutiérrez Covey

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Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки > Знайомство із новою лексикою по темі „Професії”. Аудіювання та читання діалогу. Повні уроки