Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 8 класс>> In the Palace of Westminster

2 Look at the piсtures and try to matсh peоple / oЬieсts and рlaсеs with their desсгiptiоns.

1. This is the Speaker. 2. This is the Chamber of the House of Lords. 3. This is the Lord Chancellor. 4. This is the Woolsack. 5. This is the throne. 6. This is the Chamber of the House of Commons. 7. This is the Mace. 8. These are red lines on the carpet. 9. These are statues of two Prime Ministers. 10. This is the "aye" lobby. 11. This is Westminster Hall.

a) The lords and ladies sit here. This chamber is also called the Parliament Chamber. b) MPs sit here. c) When the Queen arrives in the House of Lords to open the Parliament, she sits on this. d) There is wool inside. It's a part of a very old tradition which started in the 14th century. It's in Parliament to symbolise the importance of wool to the British economy at that time. e) It lies on the table when the House is debating. It's the symbol of the power which Parliament has won from the King. It even has its own guard, who has a very big sword. f) They represent two British main political parties - the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. g) This is the oldest part of the building. A lot of famous events and meetings have taken place here. It saw Guy Fawkes, who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605, and in World War II bombs fell on it. h) He sits on the Woolsack and presides over the House of Lords. i) These are two long narrow corridors, which are very important for the whole country, because MPs come here to vote. j) He presides over the House of Commons. k) The distance between them is two swords' lengths. In the old days MPs used to have their swords, and it was dangerous when they got angry with each other. So the lines are here to remind the MPs that they should not start a fight.
3 Say a few sentences about the photos in Ex. 2. Use which, where, whose, who or that.
Model: This is the House of Lords, whose Chamber is also called the Parliament Chamber. This is the Chamber of the House of Lords, where the lords and ladies sit. 4 Try to guess: Which of the objects and people are in the House of Lords and which are in the House of Commons? Explain your ideas.
5 Listen to the speaker and check your answers.
6 Read the text on pages 61 -62 (Unit 2, Lessons 8, 9) and choose the correct answers.
1 How many parts does the Palace of Westminster consist of? a) one b) two c) three 2 What are the main colours of the Houses of Parliament? a) gold, red and blue b) gold, green and red c) red and green
3 Who writes the Queen's Speech? a) the Queen b) the Government c) the Lord Chancellor
4 Which are Britain's two main political parties? a) the Democratic, the Republican and the Conservative b) the Conservative and the Democratic c) the Labour and the Conservative
5 Whose shoe should a Conservative touch? a) David Lloyd George's b) Winston Churchill's c) The Queen's
6. Why do MPs sometimes sit on the steps? a) There are more MPs than seats in the House of Commons, b) It's a part of an old tradition, c) It's a punishment for those who are late.
7 When can you see the Mace in the House of Commons? a) It's always there, b) Only when the Queen comes, c) When the House is debating.
8. How old is Westminster Hall? a) more than a thousand years old b) more than a hundred years old c) more than four hundred years old
A The friends are back at school and have come to a history club meeting Read the conversation for detail and say: Is Mr Jenkins a good teacher? Why What is the best translation for Mr Know-it-all?
Mr Jenkins: Hello, everybody. Today I have prepared a very interesting and unusual task for you. Emily: What is it, Mr Jenkins? Mr Jenkins: We're going to look at a fragment from an early medieval manuscript. Mark: What is unusual about it, Mr Jenkins? We often translate them. Mr Jenkins: Well, I have to tell you something. I can't translate this manuscript. This time I need your help. Emily: You're joking, Mr Jenkins. You can translate everything. John: How old is the manuscript? Mr Jenkins: I don't know. I got the text by e-mail two weeks ago. Here's the e-mail.
Hi, Mr Know-it-all! Your students think that you know everything, but that's not true. Can you translate this manuscript? And if you can't, will you tell your students? Surprise me!
John: It's very rude! Mr Jenkins: Yes, it is. At first, I didn't want to read anymore, but then I saw the manuscript and forgot about everything. It's in runes,
the ancient alphabet which Druids used for writing about secret things and magic. I know runes very well, but the runes
of this manuscript are different. It's a code. I have been trying to translate it for two weeks but I've had no luck.
Now I'm asking you for your help. Emily: Don't worry, Mr Jenkins. We'll do it together. Mark: What did you say, Mr Jenkins? A runic alphabet? A secret code? Let me have a look at it! Mr Jenkins: What's wrong with you, MacWizard? Why are you smiling? Mark: It's our family runic alphabet. I have been looking for this story for months and I've found it! I'll translate it for the next lesson. But... who is it from, Mr Jenkins? Mr Jenkins: I've no idea! The e-mail address is reader2345@hotmail.com You can never find a person through this e-mail address. Emily: But why not? Mr Jenkins: Because there are millions of users at hotmail.com — people can use the server from any computer in the world. В Answer the questions.

1. What is unusual about this manuscript? 2. How did Mr Jenkins get the manuscript? 3. Was he able to translate the manuscript? Why? Why not? 4. Why did the e-mail sound rude? 5. Will Mr Jenkins surprise the writer of the e-mail? 6. Why was Mark smiling? 7. Who was the e-mail from? 8. Will Misha, Mark and Rob be able to find the writer of the e-mail? Why? Why not? С Fill in the crossword puzzle and read the name of the river where the Palace of Westminster stands.
1. What do MPs do with their feet? 2. What is the surname of one of the most famous British Prime Ministers ("the Iron Lady")? 3. What does the Lord Chancellor sit on? 4. What are the members of the House of Commons called? 5. Who opens the Parliament? 6. Who presides over the House of Commons?

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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