Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 8 класс>> The diary of Marian Fitzwalter
Now we are going through into the House of Commons, where MPs make decisions on new laws. Let's walk through this beautiful arch. There are two
Part I I'm starting this diary because my life is going to change. Finally. I want to remember every detail of it. It all started yesterday at breakfast when Father looked at me and said: "The girl is sixteen. She needs to learn some good manners and the duties of a real lady. I think we should send her to Lady Isabel, who will teach her." Since then Mother has been sighing and crying all the time, but my heart has been singing with joy. I'm going to live in a big, rich Norman castle! I'm going to eat good food and learn beautiful songs and fashionable French dances! The minstrels are going to sing for me! What a life! Father sent a letter to Lady Isabel. We'll get an answer cJ in a couple of days. So today was the usual boring day. I got up early and helped the maids sweep the floor in the great hall. After breakfast I had to spin with my mother and her women all day. It was only before dinner that I had some time, so I'm writing my diary.
Still no answer from Lady Isabel. Maybe, she won't СУ take me? I'm getting worried.
This year the faces of the villagers were angry. They swore at my father when they paid. I don't understand why. Did they have to pay more than usual?
Goday I asked Father about the angry villagers. He said that cJit was none of my business (не мое дело). Then I asked mother. She shook her head first, but then talked to me. "Our villagers are getting very poor," she said. "Greedy Prince John wants more and more gold and silver and invents more and more taxes which everybody has to pay. He says that our king, Richard, needs the money, but I don't believe it." I like my mother. She is different from all the other women, I know. She is brave and always says what she thinks. Mother comes from a noble Celtic-Saxon family. She says that there were kings and Druids in it. Unfortunately, it didn't help Mother's family when the Normans came. Her grandfather kept his land, but lost his power. We finally got an аnswеr from Lady Isabеl! I,m going in tеn days. I havе tо paсk my things quiсklу. Мother is saddеr than usual. I havе bееn thinking abоut King Riсhard. r,vе nevеr sееn him' but my father did. Togеthеr thеy wеnt to the Holy Land and fought for Christ against hеrеtiсs. It,s сallеd thе Crusades' Fathеr says that King Riсhard is fair and brave. Fоr his сouragе еvеrybody сalls him the Liоnhеart. Unfortunatеly, on his way baсk King Riсhard got into a trap, and now the Austrian еmpеror kееps him in prison. Hе wants a largе ransom. Riсhard's youngеr brothеr, John, is ruling Еngland for him. Jоhn rаisеs taxеs highеr and higher but hе hasn't paid thе ransоm fоr his brоthеr yet. So maybе Мothеr is right. Hе simplу doеsn't want to do it. Nobody likеs John and his stupid, grееdу Frеnсh friеnds. I hopе King Riсhard will be baсk soon' and lifе will bе еasiеr for еverybody. Croday is the last day at home. I hope I'll impress Lady Isabel <J with my good manners, clothes and appearance. I even washed my hair... Before I went to bed, Mother came into the room. She was very pale, but smiled at me. On her finger there was a golden Celtic ring, which I had never seen before. She took it off and gave it to me. "Take it," she said, "It's magic. It's been in our family since 1066. It has saved the lives of a lot of people. Never take it off, but don't show it to anybody." With these words she put a thin chain through the ring and put it around my neck.
Jhe way to Lady Isabеl,s сastlе was not long, and thе road was bumpy. Fathеr sent fivе sеrvants with us. He says that thе roads aren't safе nowadays. Finally, wе еnterеd Shеrwood Forеst. It was quiеt thеre. Thе big trees havе startеd to blossom and lookеd magiс. But my sеrvants didn,t agrеe with mе. Thеy were obviоusly sсarеd of somеthing or somеbody. Suddеnly thе shadows around us startеd to mоvе. A moment latеr wе saw
Ј've been very busy and couldn't write. Life in Lady Isabel's cJ castle is awful. The castle is, of course, big and beautiful, and their great hall is bigger than ours. Their food is better too, but all these things don't matter (не имеют значения) anymore. Lady Isabel has two daughters and three sons. They all hate me. They call me "Saxon cow" or "Stupid Mary" and never talk to me. I'm so sorry that I have come here, but what can I do now? Joday some villagers came to the castle for help. One of О them, Robert, had a big wound in his leg. Lady Isabel showed me and her daughters how to make medicine. She mixed some sheep fat with some goose blood and dried frog. It was her best ointment. The next villager had a toothache. My idea was that we should pull the tooth out, but Lady Isabel didn't agree. "If we pull his tooth out, the evil spirits will go into his body," she said. She put some garlic paste into his mouth. The smell was awful. I just hope it helps. J'm praying to God for Robert. I saw him today in the great Hall. He looks very pale and he's running a fever. Why doesn't Lady Isabel let me help him. I know how to do it. Two years ago some pilgrims from the Holy Land stayed in our castle. They were good people and taught me a lot of things. Every summer I go to the fields and forests and gather flowers and herbs. Later we dry them, mix medicines and put them into bottles. When I use the medicines, I always think about the pilgrims and thank them. Poor Robert died, but nobody cries for him. Today there is a big feast in the castle. Lady Isabel's favourite cousin is going to come for a visit. His name is Guy of Gisbourne. He isn't very rich, but he's a friend of the Sheriff of Nottingham and Lady Isabel is proud of him. The feast was horrible. Lady Isabel put (посадила) Guy of Gisbourne next to me. He blew (сморкался) his red nose on the tablecloth, cleaned his teeth with a knife and took all the best pieces from the plate.
J'm never going to a hanging again. This is how it all happened. In the morning Lady Isabel, her daughters and I put on our best clothes and went to Nottingham. There was a large crowd of people in the market square. Everybody was waiting for the hanging. We bought some pies and ale, but I couldn't eat or drink when I saw the criminal. He was a thin, tired man. He didn't ask for help, didn't look around. I think he wanted to die. And then I heard people in the crowd, "...killed a deer in the King's forest," "...had nothing to eat," "was sick and couldn't work," "his wife and daughter froze to death this winter," "was looking for food for his little son," "the Norman pigs will soon hang all Saxons!" "Where is our good King Richard?" "Robin Hood will get (доберется до) Guy of Gisbourne."
Jasked Lady Isabel about Robin Hood. She shouted at cJme and left me without food for the whole day. That's interesting. Is she scared? Something is happening. Everybody's busy. They QJdon't notice me and leave me in peace.
Jt's bad news. I have finally found out all about Robin Hood. JHe's a dangerous outlaw who lives in Sherwood Forest and robs everybody who wants to go through the forest. He has a big gang of men who are all criminals. Recently they stole all the taxes that Sheriff of Nottingham had collected for Prince John. So the shooting contest is a trap for Robin Hood. Everybody knows that he is a good archer, and the Sheriff of Nottingham wants to catch Robin if he comes to the contest. a) Robin Hood. e) Prince John. 1. How was the life of a village organized?
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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